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Posts posted by albert_dao

  1. Here's my schedule on all tanks regardless of size or contents.

    Once evern two weeks:

    40-50% water change via vacuum. Retain some of the water in a bucket.

    Rinse out all media in the aforementioned bucket.

    Change media as necessary.

    Replace media into the filter.

    Scub tank with a pad or razorblade where necessary.

    Add conditioner to the tank.

    Top off with water that is the same temp or slightly warmer than the tank water.

    Wipe outside surfaces of the tank, using a razorblade where necessary.

    No debating about nitrates and bioloads, just do it. You will be left with water that is sparkling and a stable biofilter.

    I love fat chicks. Love them hard. Most of you do too.

  2. Grunge is probably nice, but I wouldn't count on being able to get it here in Canada.

    I'll try to go into more details about the glued aragonite when I get home (at a friend's house right now), but basically, it entails gluing a thin layer of sand to a sheet of plexiglass using clear PVC cement. This sheet would then be placed on the bottom of the tank and everything would go on top.

  3. You should do yourself a favor now and remove all the media from your power filter.

    What kind of powerheads are you using? How big is the tank?

    If this is your first SW tank, it might also be prudent that you ditch your sand and opt for bare bottom. 2093482383094x easier to keep clean during your initial six months. You can always add a thin layer of substrate after this critical period.

  4. Just another word on filters that stop working.

    I have found that AC300 will stop working if the power goes out even for a couple of seconds. I run 5 AC300's, a few AC500's and a couple of Fluval 404's and a few mics. brands on my various tanks. All my other filters will restart after a power outage with no problems. The AC300's however are another story. About two thirds of the time, I have to stick something down to the impellar to get it going again. That can be a real problem if the power ever goes out while your away for a day as I found out when I came home one day to find my fish suffocating in several of the tanks. Fortunatly I only lost about 12-18 little guys which is good considering I had a total of a couple hundred juvies in these tanks.

    The moral, watch your AC300's

    AC300's indeed!


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