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Posts posted by easyrider

  1. Thanx Josh.......

    1. heavy breathing; yes. Right before they died usually.

    2. parasites ; i think so. I have a couple pics of the trigger on a previous thread. glazed eyes, and a white sort of spotty haze covering the body. also wicked fin rot.

    Not sure what you mean by listless.

    kindin leanin' towards something bad; this is a new one for me.

    As far as the new fish are concerned just through in cheap chromis to see it was a major prob, or if it was isolated to the trigger and lion.

    the mystery continues ..........

  2. Update ... still losing fish. Ended up losing the trigger and lionfish.

    Did a 50% water change and checked all my levels( before the waterchange) and everything was fine.

    So i added 4 green chromis and a damsel on sunday. Today 2 chromis are dead and the damsel is on the way.

    I don't know what to do ( the crabs are still kickin'). could it maybe be some frozen food? should i do a 100% water change ?

    please help this is very frustrating..... Harley

  3. Just wondering how to approach reintroducing fish to my tank. Still haven't figured out what happened to my lionfish and trigger. The inverts are doing fine so must be something that just affects fish.

    So I need to know how long to wait and what steps to take before introducing new fish.

    Thanx. HB

  4. Update..... the lionfish is bellyup. The speed of his demise is mind blowing. this all took place in 2 days ( the visual part anyway). The trigger still has signs of it but seems to be doing alot better than the lion did. The lion fish basically rotted right in front of me.

    I am not able to post pics.I am completely stumped.

  5. Yesterday I noticed my lionfish and niger trigger were both very sick. Both have whats looks like a patchy white velvet on the skin and glazed over eyes. As of today i noticed some of the lion's fins are rotting as well (overnight). Also over the last week I have noticed the trigger laying on his side on the live rock.

    Also another point of interest... noticed a thick skim of what looks like protein on the top all of a sudden. This is the first time in a 2 year old tank that this has happened.

    I do 30% water changes once a month and do not run a skimmer.

    I started a treatment with Pimafix today cause I do not want to treat with copper.

    Both fish look very bad any help would be great. Thanx HB

  6. years ago i had a corner 45 gallon with assorted tangs in it. i lucked out and had two breeding pairs ; one pair on juli's and one pair of neolamps. I remember I called J-roc when we first discovered the little swimming fry and were like proud parents (bonified fish geek). I had some nice pieces of holey rock and i still swear by it for breeding.

    Both species continued to breed for months and months until there unfortunate demise in a moving accident (was heartbroken).

    Anyways, point of the story is just enjoy the spectacle and let nature takes its course. Not familiar with parrots but a pretty good guess is that if you come out with fry you won't be able to retire on selling them.


  7. Anybody now how long the power outage was on the south side of edmonton?

    got home to find the power off; called it was off from 15 ave to 51 ave and 34 st. to 89 st.. Just curious .... and if anybody is away from home in this area we are back up now.

  8. I have a 33 gallon in need of repair. The black trim around the top has become loose and the salt creep is terrible. I need to re silicone it but.... I need to keep the fish and water in it while doing the repair. Is this possible?? thanx

    p.s. the tank was purchased from j-roc's old buddy Jack. long live Jack :bow:

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