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Posts posted by kimmi7

  1. 8 hours ago, biodives said:

    My first thought when I saw the tank was also angels as the main eye catcher, school of tetras large enough to hold their own visually (rumminose, but many options), perhaps some hatchetfish gliding along the surface and cories playing on the bottom. Relatively standard inhabitants but later on you can add an oddity or two like a knife fish, dwarf cichlids, ...

    I actually just picked up 12 new cories for the tank. They are still smaller but should grow nicely :-) I need at least 2 more of one coloration to give my one a female :-)

  2. My plans right now are to help the plants recover. We are dealing with some algae issues. There has been a couple extra pleco's added (L114 and L129) with the beauty Long Fin BN it came with. I have also added a blue Angel, 7 mollies to help with the algae and other then being frisky, they are working! Got my cities tonight as well! Other then these guys, that's it for awhile. Once everything is balanced better and I can off load some tetras and mollies, I will be looking at different angels and not sure what else really :-) So many things I can do! Any ideas?

  3. Hello again! Back in the fish game. Picked up a display tank from Big Al's here in Edmonton. It's a 90 gallon bow front. Also had to grab a 6 gallon edge to jump right back in to the shrimps! Going with blue instead of yellows! Many things have changed! Look out for questions


  4. i also quite enjoy watching my apple snails move around my tank. I got this one from PJs pets that is the size of a plum. Also got a few from a fellow AA member that are growing quite nicely. I would put the white egg looking things in a small tank and see what grows. Not apple snails as I hear they lay eggs above water and it looks like chewing gum.

  5. I heard aponogeton bulbs go dormant every so often. Is this true? Does it just die off and then grow back later or do you have to do something special?

    I love this plant myself, I had on do exactly this. One day huge, long, bright green, flowering and then the next started dying off till I had to pull it. Every piece of info I found on it says it does indeed have a "winter" period. They say plant the bulb next to a plant which doesn't go dry and leave it there for about 3-6 months. I am going to try another one soon and try this out.

  6. I'm going to set up a small freshwater tank in my office and want something other then a betta. will not be a planted tank, just normal colored gravel and plastic plants... I do not was guppies.... any idea???

    I'd suggest something themed like a small river tank.

    7 danios (zebra, leopard, longfin, etc)

    1 dwarf puffer

    3 zebra nerite snails

    1 red lobster crayfish (optional)

    Get a small current going and voila! River stones to fill out the bottom of the tank...

    the crayfish will eat any fish it can catch and trust me they do end up getting them. We had two neon tetras we put in with our 2 crayfish, longest tetra lasted two months lol

  7. I have a planted shrimp tank like most people who have shrimp. I dose flourish excel when I remember and it doesnt hurt the shrimp one bit. I also dose in my main tank that has angels, plecos, apistos, rams and tetras plus TONs of mts, and a round 6 apple snails. Doesn't hurt them one bit either.

  8. I have a dwarf frog in my shrimp tank and haven't noticed many missing. But then again I tend to leave them be other then feeding and cleaning lol. I had the normal ligh that came with the tank on it for almost a year with great plant growth. Mind you I have all low light plants in there, don't reall use ferts unless I remember to dose either.

  9. My thoughts exactly. I've read that ghost shrimp eat algae and occasional scraps - so I figured they'd always be a safe bet to try out first seeing as they're hardy and cheap to boot.

    It is a dwarf frog - my bad. I see the other type(s) would get much much larger. He seems to be doing well so far, and there's a couple patches of hornwort that offer him access to the surface for prolonged periods if need be.

    Eventually I'd like to get a dwarf puffer or two to balance out the ramshorn snails. I think it's all coming along quite well so far. ;)

    Thanks for the questions and suggestions.

    The puffer will eat any shrimp in there I am told. That why I went assassin snail route

  10. I have seed tanks that way before and the tank is vary planted. The sand had a nasty smell so I rinsed it the drift wood has been in the tank scins last may. But it dryer out

    You said you dosed a full cap of prime? Do you do this each time you changed the water? Could be too much. Each cap does 50 gallons so thats double the tank size. Dry driftwood wouldnt do it, I just got a new piece that was dry and my angels are fine from it.

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