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Posts posted by oceanpearl

  1. Hey everyone,

    I have a pair of hongslois that I bought back in March 2011. When I got them they were too young to be sexed properly so the guy used his best judgement when selecting them and we just hoped they would eventually become a mated pair. They pretty small, about an inch long. They are growing, one more than the other, and are definitely getting wider too. I have them in a 29 gallon with tons of caves and a school of tetras as dithers.

    he apistos are doing great and I love watching them but the annoying thing is I still can't tell if they are males or females or a pair! Right now they both are pretty yellow but neither are showing much red or the elongated fins. They seem to change color too so sometimes I think I can see red on one but then other times I can't. Is it still to early to tell? They are at least 6 months old.

    Behaviour wise, I have seen them doing some dancing, swimming horizontally and flapping tails at eachother - this has been going on for some time but lately its just the bigger one chasing the littler one away as soon as it comes into view. No more dancing! Is it possible that I have two males or two females?

    Do I need to wait a bit longer to see if the red shows up on one? I can't seem to find info on the age at which the red starts showing....


  2. Well I ended up with two (hopefully one male and one female) Apistogramma Hongsloi - they were bred here so no problems with the water at all! They are with a school of 12 rummynose tetras and so far everyone is doing good! Just waiting now for the Apistos to get colorful........the pics online of these guys are totally amazing colors!! Picked them up at my new fave store Aquarium Central in E-town!

  3. Hey guys,

    I am in the process of converting my 29 g into a dwarf cichlid tank. I currently have a bristlenose pleco in there that will stay. I don't really care about breeding but of course it would be super cool if it happened. I say that, but watch me buy another "fry" tank in a few weeks! lol. New clothes or fish stuff? Ummm......Fish stuff!!!

    I'm thinking either rams or apistos.........I heard blue rams are kind of sensitive and although my tank is well established and healthy, I get worried about keeping up with all the water changes. However, 6 years into the hobby I am definitely read to try something new and a bit more difficult. Gotta keep learning!

    Of course I would like other fish in there too.......mid level - tetras? Any suggestions for success would be fabulous!

    Anyway, I am super excited and will keep everyone up to date on the progress of my new adventure!

    I live in Edmonton and don't plan on doing anything special to the water other than heating it and keeping it very clean!


  4. I bought my first betta at Big Al's this week and all they had were crowntails! He's a real gem though, and happily lounging as we speak in his 2.5 gallon minibow!

    I didn't realize how active and interactive they were, since I had only seen them in those tiny cups until now. I guess I just thought he would kind of float around, but on the contrary he is super active, and I swear he knows me already. Kind of like a dog!

    Anyway, very interesting to hear the history of the crowntail. They are beautiful!!

  5. Hi guys,

    So glad to be on an Alberta site - I get tired of reading about how people in Florida keep their tanks cool! haha.

    I have had a 29 gallon for five years or so and am currently in the process of restocking. Have build quite a few caves and lots of plants so preparing for either a ram or apiso pair. I have always had peaceful community tanks and now finally have the chance to try something new!

    I also have a 10 gallon barb tank that I got when the 6 green barbs I got killed my two angelfish. Sad. Recently I have gotten into bettas and have a 2.5 gallon on my desk at work with my new crowntail - he is showing signs of being a genius already!

    Checked out the new store on 120 st and 111 ave - not much for equip but LOADS of cool fish. The guys working there seemed very down to earth and friendly.

    Thanks for having me!!!!!

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