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Posts posted by kdogg

  1. Very hard to keep those guys they seem to hate one another I was lucky enough to have three that put up with one another long enough to spawn. There bi parental mouth brooding seemed to be an issue. The male held the first batch to term and I salvaged 4 fry that are over an inch long now. They have spawned 4 times since and haven't transfered to dominent male. Then on the 5th time the third fish in the group held the fry for the last 11 days and I salvaged 6 fry from the tank but none of them survived. Since then I had a flood and subsequent basement reno stranding my fish in substandard conditions in the garage. ONE day before bringing everything in from the garage I lost one them. Now inside for a few weeks and I still am not sure what I have left male and female I suspect. They are in a 125 long and get along pretty good so we'll see maybe they will spawn again.

    Good luck with them they are a very cool fish!!!!

  2. I used White dolomite from kenroc biulding supllies very dusty took forever to clean. It's available in a variety of sizes and sorry dan't remeber the size I ended up going with but it looks good. Tropheus and Eretmodus cyanostictus are doing great in it!!! I remeber it being the cheapest option I could find.

  3. I have 3 small calvus a colony of 3 multi's on one side and Petrocolis cats. I lost my other male it managed to find the 1/2 inch gap in the glass canopy and baked on the glass. I had more females too but slowly died off from a mystery ailment that has since cleared up. Its tough finding cyps here and have had trouble with successful shipping. Don't think it was shippers fault just had a rough ride and I've heard they don't ship well from a few sources. I'm in Regina Sask. and They're yellow tail leptsoma.

  4. I've had a group of cyp. leptsoma for a while now and they just won't spawn! The male dances around herding the female but no holding females. There are 4f and 1m in a 125 gal. feeding white worms every second day, ken's fish flake twice a day, 25 gal sump packed with media, lots of open water and no spawning. I had one female hold a few months ago but I lost her as I tried to strip her ( she died in the net before I had the chance to strip her actually). The females are all around the same age so they should be mature. Any thoughts as why I have no spawning.

  5. I am trying to spawn cyp and paracyp. right now with zero luck. First paracyp spawn resulted in 0 fry and first cyp spawn resulted in female dying in the net after I finally caught her. I rescued four of the TEN fry she was holding, it seemed as I chaced her she was munching on the fry and killed most of them before she died of stress apparently. I think in both cases I should of allowed the females to hold a week or so longer to allow better development of the fry. With the cyp. I miss calculted spawn time and the paracyp I was just to rammy!

    I plan to take a different approach next time but have a few questions has anyone here ever seen the frie soon after release? Do they actively swim in the mid water? Or do they hang around the bottom for a bit before figuring out the whole swimming thing? My hope is to leave the females hold to term and let the releasr the fry and see if I get a better survival rate!

  6. I have two in a 120 tall heavily planted tank and I see my teo lizards quite often. They don't seem to be very shy and are always looking for food on the bottom. Nore catfish type habits then a pleco! I shoild try and spawn them but don't have the tank space.

  7. My paracyp nigripinnis finally spawned last week, after a week of her holding I decided to strip her to try and keep her healthy. When I stripped her there was 5 eggs one burst as I tried to strip her and one I couldn't get her to give up. The three I got from her were all white and fungused obviously not fertalized. My male must need some practise to get it right or he isn't mature yet. I have had horrible luck with these guy's started with seven lost one in transit and slowly they were dissappearing. I found most of the missing in a box of rocks under the aquarium they were in. I didn't realize they were jumpers. I have ordered them twice recently but they don't travel well for me. Ordered two adults and neither made and then ordered eight and after four days I'm left with three. The three that made it are in good shape though. Eventually I'll get a breeding group.

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