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Posts posted by Willfishguy

  1. I use it for an extra 3 days than stated on the instructions. The reason is because the meds take longer to penetrate the cyst's membranes and the concentration to be a bit lower in the substrate. I find this to be the same for any meds such as malachite green. I have had great sucess by doing so.

    Ich- That's cool and great info thanks, but as cowardice as this may sound, I professionally must refrain from providing information on exceeding the prescibed use of medication instructions, thanks for helping to balance this out for me and feel free to do so anytime.


  2. I'd also like to mention that if or when the fish are eating, to feed them a food rich in garlic. Fresh/frozen foods can be marinated in a minced garlic and water mixture (keep an eye on water quality just after feeding, but do feed small portions at a time). Use a 5% garlic to food ratio, or purchase a food already enriched in garlic. Garlic will boost the immune system and kills bacteria, protozoans and viruses. The small 5% portion will not harm the biological filtration.

  3. Several of my tanks have their HOB filters and heaters on the side instead of the back, this way they also filter the aquarium more efficiently aaaaaaaaaaaand the current going the length of the tank, makes for better fish presentation as they tend to enjoy swimming in the current

  4. I really don't see how everyone thinks that the bottom of an Aquarium will bend, or for that matter that the stand will bend, because it is impossible for the bottom of a tank to bend! Impossible! That cabnet, if it is held together properly, will work like a charm.

    Not to mention that it looks way awesome!

  5. Before anyone objects, keep in mind that the next question upon ID'ing a disease is 'How do I treat it'? I do not condone or recommend that any one solution be pushed for monetary gain, however, since the question has to be answered, linking the solutions to affiliated companies wouldn't hurt, as long as the other solutions are also represented.

    All medications legally sold by the pet trade here in Canada could be listed. List each medication under the treatment paragraph or such. And with each disease also incorporate prescribed therapies, as well homeopathic treatment can be described. Being this responsibe will also help fight against government and veternary intrusion upon the Aquarium Community of Canada. We need to evolve so as to maintain our own self governing, instead of being dictated to as to what we can and cannot do.

  6. The Tunze filters are very small, very inexpensive to run and like all the made in Germany equipment, they cost next to nothing to maintain. They are (5"Lx5"Hx14"H modular filters that hang on the back of the tank and inter-connect to each other. The water is mechanically filtered then biologically filtered, then the water is passed through an absorption denitrator, where the free nitrogen is permeated into the soil of the compartments holding the terrestrial plants. The terrestrial plants are such that thrive without direct sunlight. I am setting up a Tunze System here in Calgary. They are very beautiful as the top back of the tank is lush with tropical terrestrial plants.

    Come to think of it, Sera also makes a denitrator filter that is designed to vastly reduce water changes. I think Michael has one, I soul grab it and see how well it works, as it too is made in Germany. I pretty sure everyone knows that the Germans are fifteen to twenty years more advanced then us humble North Americans when it comes many things, including the Aquarium Sciences.

    I apologize for being so rude earlier in this thread.


    PS: The Tunzie filters are so simple in design, I think they could be duplicated with mason jars.

  7. It would be pretty easy, if you kept a refugium, actually. Just use terrestial plants instead of aquatic, and you'll remove almost all nitrogenous waste - as well as just about any other contaminant. There are a few aquatic plants that can take Carbon from Carbonate hardness (Valisneria sp.), so you could even get away with using partial plain-old tap water for top-ups.

    Of course, you'd still want to do at least some WCs to get rid of accumulated mulm.

    That's what the Tunze filters use; terrestrial plants.

  8. What's the budget like?

    Budget is flexible. I'm in no rush so I'm not looking at spending hundreds of dollars in one weekend ;)

    What's the wanted fish list like?

    No concrete list at this point. I want to hit a couple of stores and see what the stock is like, get some ideas. What I like and what will fit aren't necessarily the same thing ;)

    Other then choice of equipment, and the addition of a good skimmer, I think the procedure BlkWolfe described is a good lead to follow. I do however recommend a couple or three good reads, Natural Reef Aquarium by Tullock, The New Marine Aquarium by Paletta, and The Conscientious Aquarist by Fenner, if you haven't already checked them out.

  9. Do not...repeat, do not start me on how I feel about intentional hybridising.

    Burr, the water's cold in this tank! *adjusts heater*

    I know how hard it can be for a person to understand their own feelings, and put those feelings into words. Feelings to words, when they them self can't understand; eliminating emotion, is to govern the mind. Let alone, articulating such feelings into words so that others can understand too, just how they feel. A daunting task to be sure, for it is, an uneducated person.

    So! Just so ya know, I don't give in to orders or demands!

    *inserts key*

    *cranks over*

    *and over*

    *and over*

  10. "We already have that....a planted tank with a sponge filter....or a FW fuge."

    We? Are you and johnsmith a couple?

    Revolutionizing was the key word there. If you look back up to my original reply you'll see the word between "is" and "equipment"; I said "is revolutionizing equipment." See that?

    "Cute concept, but pretty much impossible in a closed system."



    Cute is a word I would never use to describe German technology *shivers*. Now as far as Mr. Tunze and his cute impossible concept goes... *bows* to him for doing the impossible.



    Cute like a corycat!


    "Read it...the hypothesis is great, but it is simply not feasible for home aquaria."

    Which version did you read?

    *bows* to Mr. Tunze for making the unfeasible, feasible for the home aquarium.

    Do you work at Riverfront?

  11. I think this would do well for a while, but other things like urea, fecal composites, silicates and phosphates would accumulate, creating an environment ideal for pathogens to thrive. I will say however that Tunze is revolutionizing equipment (filtration) using plants and bacteria to filter tanks. Their intention is to develop a system that when hooked up to a tank, water changes will not be required. They published a great little paperback on the science of this subject, if you can find it, it makes for a fascinating read.

    well, in all honesty, i have done a water change once in one of my tanks... added bad fish and the ecosystem started to crash... i have 4 tanks running, 3 for the last 3 years straight (75G, 40G and a 22G). maybe its the fish I keep? i only add more water due to evap. and some of my fish have had a longer span than the average from what i have heard... who knows... maybe its all my whimpy fish. :D

    Three years old for Rivulines! Now that would hold my attention, but three years old for regular old aquarium fish in general is pretty common stuff. There are thousands of people in this city that keep Bettas alive for 3-10 years in one gallon bowls. It's nice to see you're successful! :)

  12. I can't stand the sight of over crowded cichlid tanks...

    I love overstocked tanks. As long as the set-up is filtered properly.

    I use to be that way too, now though, I don't even enjoy seeing over crowded dealer tanks.

  13. It has MORE than enough light, a total of 4 bulbs on the tank, which is for sure at least 4 - 5 watts per gallon on such a small tank.

    I'm no expert (far from it)...but don't you need CO2 at that wattage?

    Not necessarily, but yes and this also explains why the pH is where it is!

    Good eye FishEdGirl.

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