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Posts posted by slingshotz

  1. That JBJ is exactly what I'm looking for. My tank is next to two exterior walls in a colder part of the room so while in the summer it would probably be fine, it might get too cool in the winter. The Hydor was already slightly undersized for my tank, never thought it could warm it up that much and never thought it would fail in a stuck on position. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for the tips. I'm not changing the substrate or the filter out, just rinsed it out as I was a little worried about any nasties from the dead fish rotting. I guess I'm going to have to change my signature now down to 2 danios and 3 dalmatians :(

  3. So my tank got cooked overnight with a failed heater but I managed to save 5 fish in the morning. The water was pretty cloudy due to the warm water. It is also a planted aquarium (92 gallons) and the plants seem to have survived fine.

    I've never experienced this before so I'm wondering if it would be ok to take out 75% of the water so that I don't disturb the plants as it took me some time to get them established. Plus my thinking is that it will help cycle the new water quicker. Or should I empty it 100% along with my Eheim and start with fresh water and cycle it with the 5 remaining fish?

  4. So I wake up this morning and look at my tank and notice that it's cloudy for some reason. Then I see that there are dead fish everywhere and my heart sinks. The tank is very warm to the touch, I did manage to save 5 fish so it looks like it happened overnight. So it looks like my Hydor eth 300 died and got stuck in the on position, even though the indicator light was off. The temperature dial was not moved or bumped.

    I googled this and there are others that have had the same experience but it doesn't seem to be a wide spread problem. It was running fine for over two years.

    My tank is 92 gallons and I need a replacement heater. I really do like the way the Hydor worked and that it was external but I'm now wary of getting another one. Does anyone else have any suggestions? I'd like an inline to keep the inside of the tank less cluttered but I want something reliable. If I go with a Hydor again, I'm going to have to setup some temperature alart/control. Anyone have any ideas on this?

  5. The little fish are most likely chub minnows, or sucker fry. Both are in the majority of watersheds in Alberta and the golf course pond probably filled and top off the pond with some local stream/creek/river water. The big grass carp are also used in many ponds here to keep the vegetation in check but they are sterile so can't breed. They released a bunch into Lake Sundance to control the weeds, we managed to net one this year (during the perch netting harvest) and it was pretty cool to see.

  6. I've had an albino and bronze cory for the past 5 years always together. They originally started in a small pack of a few of each but eventually the others died off leaving just one each. I have them in 3-5mm smooth gravel but never had any of them with issues with their whiskers. They seem to like rooting around in the gravel for bits of food.

  7. i would say add a wall of vals to each back pane, and toss in a couple large swords to fill out everything. that'd look nice!

    as for making the background black now that the tank is set up, you could get some sticky backed velcro strips and run them along the top trim edges on those back panes, then take the corresponding sticky back velcro and put it on black fabric. you only need finger room behind the tank to do this. i did this to two 55 gallons after they were set up and running, close to a wall. it worked well!

    That sounds like a good idea, I've never played around with backgrounds before. What type of fabric did you use? Does it need to be thin or thick like velvet, shiny or matte?

  8. Very nice tank! That anubias barely fills that bad boy up!

    Yup, it fills the middle and front pretty good but I need to figure out some tall planting for the back to hide some of the filter tubes.I really should have taken a before photo to show how barren the tank looked.

  9. Long time aquarium keeper, first time poster. Upgraded to a new bigger house so I had to do the same thing to my fish. Went from a 30 gallon standard rectangular tank to a 92 gallon corner tank. Lots to learn with a bigger tank. Big thanks to CgyBettaGuy to introducing me to this forum and to help fill the aquarium with plants. It took me 3 years to get a 30 gallon tank established with plants and had to start almost from scratch as most of the plants died after the move :(

    I'll try and get some photos in the forum photography section soon.

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