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Posts posted by meeiu

  1. More of a nature aquarium.

    Some pretty good plants. I'm feeling that you could have used a more dynamic scape by doing a much more sloped design from back to front. Not much you can do about that now short of restarting... again. Maybe more substantial drift wood to make that a central feature/focus?

    I agree completely with you. I spend probably 20 min during the rescape... (didn't plan my time well enough so I rushed it a little :( ) I may have to go search for some new driftwood...but it's so hard to find matching wood as I have no idea where I got these and from where... haha

  2. Still no pressurized CO2 but have been looking around for cylinders/regulators... however the UG is pearling A LOT even without the CO2. So makes me wonder if I should bother investing in CO2 equipment. The right side has bounced back and is way greener than before. Overall, I have fairly happy with the UG and it is spreading nicely. What do you guys think? :)

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

    Okay :) I will take that advice since it saves me a few hundred... haha

  3. Did you do anything to green up the UG?

    I see a shrimp on the left glass. What is it? He looks a bit lonely. ;)

    Nothing really. I am at lost at times..

    Before, I use to do a water change once every 1.5 to 2 months and they never pearled for me. However, I did a water change about 3 weeks ago and they started to pearl like crazy. And then another water change a week ago and they still continue to pearl like crazy but I have dosed less Excel than before. Maybe they like the minerals in my water? lol.. i have no idea.

    I think I will do more water changes from now on.. they seem to react good to it.

  4. Thanks March!

    I like your tanks as well :D

    Here is an update shot from last night!

    The anemone split and one went into the intake of the hang on filter and...made a mess :( I miss him so much..

    Only his smaller dime sized brother remains..


    Oh right, my peppermint shrimp has passed away as well :( So sad to find his body...

    But a new damsel is kicking in great!

  5. Hi all!

    I thought I would update this journal as well. This tank is no longer in its former glorious days. I procrastinate trimming the HC and it over grew and the layers underneath died away. Resulting in the entire carpet lifting on itself.

    So a while back, I decided to rescape it into a more natural look (?). I am not sure how I like it as of now... a little messy...Perhaps I need the stems in the back to grow more thick and the Rotalla Wallichi to grow straighter.. lol

    But regardless here it is as of today..


    Perhaps this thread should not be named Iwagumi anymore.. lol

  6. Just an update for you guys!

    Here is the tank from last night (156 days, 09.23.13)


    Still no pressurized CO2 but have been looking around for cylinders/regulators... however the UG is pearling A LOT even without the CO2. So makes me wonder if I should bother investing in CO2 equipment. The right side has bounced back and is way greener than before. Overall, I am fairly happy with the UG and it is spreading nicely. What do you guys think? :)

  7. Do you think HC will thrive just by dosing excel?

    Yes it will thrive. If you check my ADA 40X27X30 Iwagumi journal, you can read all about it! I used DIY CO2 at first and then just switched to just Excel and HC grew thicker and greener. I think, for my case, the DIY method was pushing too much CO2 into the tank which actually suffocated the plant. Or it could of been pushing too little CO2 and not giving the plant enough food... either or, Excel worked 20x better.

  8. Yes, to echo Caine's response; I would not bother with yeast. I used to do it and told myself that I wouldn't be lazy and change it every now and then. But in the end, it is just too troublesome, not constant, and no control. I just ended up reducing my lights and let everything grow slower.

    Caine, you have been reading my journals haven't you? HAHA Yes I do dose Excel and I found it to be effective. However, I only dose about once every two-three weeks or so. So the main thing I have to deal with is the photo period. But lately, I have been very tempted to invest in a system from JL. So who knows, maybe I will have a cylinder soon...hehe

    For substrate, I have used Seachem's, some DIY soil, and ADA. Ever since the switch to ADA, I can tell you it's good stuff. No hassel, easy to use, and smells gooood.... HAHA But if you are on a tight budget, DIY soil will grow your plants just as well.

  9. I didn't realize you switch to a Finnex. How do you like it? Sunblasters 6400k are heavy on the green spectrum and make plants look really nice, but the green doesn't actually help them grow much :P Oh. I just read the post... not hair grass. How long does that Utricularia Graminifolia grow? Could you just let it get longer in that corner?

    My tank? Ugh. My tank is a mess right now. The HC was over grown and I'm having to trim aggressively to get it to grow back low. This is going to take a few months. I'm also gradually removing the stem plants so that bio can adjust gradually. Going to go for the one species tank also. I'll probably need to add some substrate to fix the slopes too. So much more finicky than my saltwater cube!

    You can swing by pretty much any time most evenings. I might even let you check out the top secret basement tanks. :o hahahaha.

    Monday and Wednesday nights are best. If you are in the hood, send me a message :)

    I like the Finnex. Seems to grown them very well. It's very bright. However, as you mentioned, the coloring on the plants do not look as nice. UG can grow pretty long but that right corner of the tank just won't green up as nicely as the other side. It always seems to stay a bit yellow'er than the other side. I wonder why :(

    Oh I can swing by? MWHAHAHA I might just take you up on that offer... haha

  10. I really like it! I think my eye wants somethin growing to the top behind the largest rock. I know that sounds a bit weird bc that side is already built up higher than the other side, but I think the imbalance needs accentuated - nothing big, tho. Maybe a single Val or a few stems - just something simple to reach (and maybe a bit more) the surface.

    That's totally just a spit-ball suggestion - a gut thing. Take the hardware out for some more FTSs! :D

    Thank you for the suggestion! I have had that thought before but did not do it just because I wanted to keep it a one species tank. But I completely agree with you, some height on the right side would help.. haha

    Looks great to me! It seems very serene.

    Thank you!

    Is it just the lighting? or is your hairgrass a bit on the yellow side?

    Oh Caine............. haha just kidding

    It is actually a bit of both. If you take a look at it in person, it's a little more on the greenish side but still not as green as I would like it. Also, during the time of photography, I used a bit too much light. The Finnex light fixture also gives a different color than my Sunblasters T5s.

    So when do I get to see your tank in real life? HAHA

  11. 9346511163_63a4285dca_z.jpg

    Day 85

    16 Harlequin rasbora
    ?? Yellow Shrimp

    Utricularia Graminifolia

    Tank: ADA Cube Garden 60-P 60X30X36
    Light: Finnex Ray 2 DS Dual 7000K 24"
    CO2: None
    Filter: Eheim 2217

    Keeping it real simple this time around. Planted on April 21st, 2013, this is my single planted species, UG, Utricularia Graminifolia, 60-P tank. Photo period is 4 hours and 30 minutes a day with no CO2 injection or fertilizers. Currently only 16 Harlequin rasboras swimming around but I want a school of pgymy cories in the near future.

    Day 1 (April 21, 2013) Please excuse my bad shots.....really bad shots...


    Day 33 (May 23, 2013)


    I am always looking for feedback and any constructive criticisms.

    Thanks for looking!

  12. I agree with uwish. Get dry dead rock. Cheaper and you don't have to deal with pests and unwanted hitch hikers.

    However, I do not think smaller tanks are harder to maintain. Maybe I am doing something wrong but I have a 8 gallon open top tank and it is easier to maintain than my fresh water ones. The evaporation is crazy on the tank but I have been so busy that I only top it off about once a week. I let it evaporate ~8cm or more from the fill line before I top it off. I have not measured the salinity of when the water is at it lowest and the salinity of when the water is at its highest. I am sure there is some kind of salinity swing but but it does not seem to bother any of the inhabitants. Maybe I am just fluking it but I think people are just overly sensitive when they say salinity swings on nanos are a serious problem.

    Don't let people deter you from what you want to do. If you think you can maintain a nano, then go for it. But I am just speaking out of experience that my sumpless, skimmerless nano is easier to maintain than my planted aquarium. So if you have the determination, go do it! Just keep it simple :)

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