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Posts posted by meeiu

  1. From my experience, HC does not require that much light. I have a small 10 gallon HC carpet tank which get light from a single 24w T5HO. In my opinion, you have way more than enough light for your tank. Light should be the limiting factor in any aquarium system. You need to make sure you keep your CO2 levels up. I had this happen to me as my CO2 levels were not high enough and my HC began to brown up.

    Also, make sure your photo-period fits the personality of your tank. Some people have their lights on for 10 hours and their HC is thriving. Some have it for 8, 6, etc. If you check my journal at the link in my signature, I think I personally started out my tank at 8 hours and found this was too much. Then moved to 6 and then finally skimped out to 5 hours a day. My carpet is lush, thick, and green. No CO2 just Excel. No rigorous EI dosing plan. Just 6 hours of light, 24w T5HO on a 45cm long tank, for 5 hours a day.

    Finally, what color temperature are your 2 bright white lights? Again, this is personal preference but has worked out for me in the past, I would not go over anything over 10,000k. In fact, I would stick to 6,400K-6,700K. I have found this to be the range that has given me the best growth. I would also replace the 2 blues with something in that range.

    Hopefully that helps and again, nothing about growing plants is set in stone. Everybody's tank is different, and there are too many factors that differ from tank to tank. It important to find out what your tank likes and dislikes.


  2. Decided to do a quick video on the progress of my tank.

    There was some Red flat worms growing on one of the front rocks so I decided to FW dip it. Unfortunately this wipped out all my blue clove polpys So I think I will just toss out that peice of rock in the front...

    Day 146

  3. I am looking forward to your tank! Maybe you should do a tank full of bubbletip anemones.... I have taken a big interest in them lately.... haha

    I left he majano in the tank because I have a suspicion that it isn't a majano... it is just so different from the ones I have seen.

    Anyways, I just recorded a video of my GBTA eating a silverside. Have a look!

  4. Nice video. I like your use of DOF. What DSLR do you shoot?

    Maybe we should pull it from your tank and make my tank a Majano tank. Ha ha ha!

    Thank you!

    I used a Nikon D7000 for that video.

    Have you decided on what to put in your nano yet? :D I am excited.

    Looks like Majano to me...

    Thank you for your ID all the time!! :D

  5. Just a update for you guys biggrin.gif and hopefully I can get some ID on this anemone... it is driving me crazy...

    Here are various shots of the tank.




    Here is the anemone that I need an ID for.

    I am torn between a Green Bubble Tip or the dreaded Majano...

    The reason I am so unsure is because the tips seem so separated and all around the centre..


    Another one...


    And also.... the base seems so long and thin for a GBTA....



    Please help me out!!

  6. I am currently using 2 Par38 LED light bulbs. I forgot the sepcific colors on them but the blue definetly adds to the enhanced colors of the corals.

    How did you mount your Par38s? Pendant style or in a fixture? Better yet how about a picture? You know because if you can bug me for pics I can bug you for pics :D

    Will do! I will take a picture when my camera charges :)

    Looks really nice...! I might have to move to corals someday because you are making me jealous.

    VICTOR! It has almost been a year since I met you. haha


  7. Welcome man! What inspired you to get into planted? For me it was Ada. Such a steep learning curve tho haha.

    Be sure to share photos of your tank!

    Same here!!! haha

    Anyways, welcome to the forums. Lots of very very nice people. A lot of good people here in Calgary helped me start out from nothing.

  8. beautiful.

    Thank you Mko. Do you still have your 15g running? I am dying to see an update!!!

    Love it! I'm so jealous.

    Thank you Sierra

    Very nice looking tank! All of those corals are going to look so nice when they fill out.

    They most certainly are. I am finding myself running out of space cause corals are so addicting and I just want more and more...

    Hey what kind of lighting do you have on this tank?

    All the photos above are with a single 24w T5HO @ 10,000k.

    However, I have since updated my lights and the corals look way better. I should take some new photos...

    I am currently using 2 Par38 LED light bulbs. I forgot the sepcific colors on them but the blue definetly adds to the enhanced colors of the corals.

  9. Nano tanks are one of the hardest to maintain, Very little room for error. So if you keep it going, then a big tank will be no issue. I myself started out with a nano tank, might as well jump in head first, instead of wadding into the water. Good on ya!

    Thank you for words of encouragement :D

    Thought I'd do some updates on this tank.

    FTS @ September 19, 2012


    FTS @ October 1, 2012


    My two friends


  10. I use a single tube of 24'' T5HO and the light is suspended about 4'' above my tank. The lights go on for a 7 hour photo period. I do not dose and I use Reef Crystals with RODI water.

    When the rocks first came, there was almost zero Coralline Algae. Then as time progressed, more and more started to develop and grow. It was only until recently where the rocks began to turn white and bleach. So I think what I did was decrease some of the photo period...

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