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Posts posted by jeanie1978

  1. Not sure. Got him from A.C. and they're very good about having healthy stock. He's was active and ate like a horse LOL. I might never know now since he was the first victim to the #^#^#^% worms I accidentally put in the tank from transfering a rescue fish to a hospital tank. Hindsight is 20/20 and a blonde moment by forgetting to sterilize a net lasts a life time.

  2. There 3 different types of Kribs if I remember correctly. Try googling these names and they should give you the info. Good Luck

    Pelvicachromis pulcher kribensis >> Scarlet

    Pelvicachromis subocellatus kribensis >> Yellow cheeked

    Pelvicachromis taeniatus kribensis >> Striped/ Bone back

  3. Where did you pick up the platinums, blue marble, blue cobalts etc. out here in B.C. I havent seen any of them... no breeders either

    You can find those from 2 sponsors here, either Aquarium Central or from Fairdeal. The blue cobalts I saw at Aquarium Central about a month ago were a philippine blue silver that some wholesaler stuck a fancy name on but their color was nice.

    LOL I have a female from that stock. We couldn't decide if she was a Phillipine or a Cobalt (Looks Phillipine but sold as Cobalt) Beautiful girl too

  4. Yeah the leaves do tend to go brown when submerged unless you have a strong current going. Mine grew like crazy even had new leaves grow. Pleco would munch them and the other fish would get the roots. I had no "backed up" fish when I had them in my tank. I also got mine at walmart. Rinse them throughly the first night in luke warm water and then vase them and change the water and rinse out the vase everyday for a week. Gets out any possible contaminant from the cheap fertilizer.

  5. Um just throwing this out here but it sounds to me like Costia. the slimy white coating is something I had before with some seriously stressed rescue fish. Not to say you've stressed your fish but they are delicate little beauties. Try this site to see if it this is similar. Good Luck


    What it doesn't mention is the tank clean up needed for it. You have to rinse the substrate if you can and boil if not to replace and do multiple water changes at least 30-40% per week. Wiping down the tank sides and rinsing your filter as well. Good idea on treating the rinsed media with prime, every bit helps our little buddies. Good luck if it is this cause it's a pain.

  6. You can raise the fry on egg yolk. It works well when you add fine crushed nls flakes too, balances out the proteins. It is very messy. Crafting mesh is cheap and can be sewing together to make a divider to escape the parents. once their big enough not to be swallowed you can pop them back into the other side. Humping is caused in most cases of healthy guppies from inbreeding. It will breed out into new fry most times. The 2 big females have some severe stress lines so it would be a good idea to separate for awhile. Good Luck.

  7. Raven >> 50G - 1 Tiger Barbs, 1 Diamond Tetras, 7 Congo Tetras, 1 Mystery Snail 3+ Babies(1 fs/t), 1 (F)P.pulchers & 2 (M)Juvies (1 fs/t), 1 BN Pleco, 2 Ameca splendids, 2 Albino Cories.

    If this is the tank you've got them in I'm pretty sure of the reason you've got no fry. Barbs and tetras are prolific fry eaters and can be stressing the spawning pair. Snails, pleco and the albino corys will take out the eggs, can we say lunch. Is it at all possible to set up a nursery tank with just the parents in it. Let them do the deed and remove them after the eggs have dropped. Better results are guaranteed since you've been researching their breeding patterns.

  8. I myself have seen and (accidentally) crossbred guppies with other livebearers. They are just as fertile as the parents. The mixes are sometimes beautiful and sometimes a little strange. Guppies, Platys, wags and mollies can all cross breed with each other. Doesn't always happen but guppies are sl*tty fish LOL. They are easy care fish. 24 to 28C temp, pH 6 to 8. They'll eat flake or pellet and like the occasional treat. When they hang around the bottom it could mean two things. You could have a spike in your levels or they are starting to get constipated. It's more likely your your levels. Good luck and enjoy.

  9. Are there such things as Pygmy Angelfish? I'm wondering this cause about 2-3 months ago I bought an endearing little guy (I think) from A.C., (21/2") Phillipine Blue Black Veiltailed mix, little bit of an oddball since he had a small wilt to his dorsal. (I like the odd/runts of animals, have a soft spot/heart/head for the underdogs.) Now we had added 2 (2 1/2") Marbled mixes a month before we got him, they have tripled in size. He has in the same period of time, less a month, is only about an inch, inch and a half bigger. There's no aggression, levels are always good, NLS and odd treat fed but he's not growing larger. In fact it keeps making spawning actions. I know that there is dwarf FW Angels but Pygmy.....Hence the question.

    (I'll try to get a picture but the others are camera hogs.)

    (Tank> 50G Fish > 6 Corydoras, 1 (A) Phillipine Blue, 1(J) Marbled Black, 1(J) Marbled Pearlscale and the PBBV Angel. Biowheel 60G HOB filter, 200W heater, Small air bar/med pressure, a few decor/territories and plenty of swimming room.)

  10. So playing around on the internet and found this. Now I have seen a similar one with it having the no top and a waterfall function. Alot of power for those and only big fish. These never before, look amazing. Wondering if anyone had one and the pros and cons.

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