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Posts posted by Chipmaker

  1. I have had a tank for a long time and kind of loosed interest in it for the last few years, but the wife and I decided to give it one more try. So I just redid the 55gal tank, retiring the old Hydro 20 filter, because it will cost 80-90 bucks to rebuild it and bought a new Marineland Multi-Stage c220, I was going for a Ehiem pro II, but heard concern about them leaking. Anyways rambling a bit here. It's planted now mid level and has about 4.7 watts/gal of 6700k lighting on it, there is complimentary sunglasses for the tank inhabitants.biggrin.png

    Not much in there at the monument only a pair of rainbow fish, 3 baby flying foxes, a brisel noses pelco and there WAS 9 shrimp but only see four today. Not sure about the feature fish yet, ether cobalt blue angels or I’ll get some real nice disus

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