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Posts posted by beautylovetruth

  1. Thanks Jason! Helpful as always :D

    I'm going to leave them be as I don't have the means to make a great breeding tank in the 22 gallon right now.

    Guess I'll have to see what happens. I'll keep posting as I get developments.

    ETA: Watched them for about 20 min... it's so cute to watch them protect and fan, rinse repeat. I'm sure it's no fun for the other fish but it's really something cool to see.

  2. Dear AA, I need your help!

    The last few days I've been noticing my potential Angelfish pair keeping all the other fish away from the middle section of my tank. Today I look and I find eggs on a clay pot!! Sorry for the head tilt to see the pics right side up.

    Here's the eggs:


    And the parents:



    Since this is my first time breeding... (and by COMPLETE accident)..what are your suggestions for making sure everything is safe for babies and other habitants :well:

  3. It was a great experience! SO happy we went!

    We got some of Jason's water sprite (perfect to finish off the 55), four german blue rams that were crossed with wild caught, 2 HUGE angels (they get along with the one I already had :thumbs: ) and 3 NLS food containers with three different types of food. All for just over $50. Can't go wrong at the ACE auction :D

  4. Yeah Jeremy I'll be at the next auction, have to plant the tank and get some stock :)

    I think that we've finally decided on SOMETHING haha

    We want the community tank with a show fish (or two) for the top level, like a few angels. The hubby likes the idea of having large fish in the bigger tank and I agree that we should take the opportunity to show off the tank that way.

    So far we've agreed to a mix of rams and cories on the bottom, angels on top (if they'll work) *if not gouramis* but we can't agree on a middle fish. We're looking for a colourful, compatible companion! (Say that three times fast!)

  5. If it were me, Id get two huge schools of pygmy corys and ember tetras like 30 each. You could go with dwarf gouramis or dwarf sa cichlids (apistos,rams,nannacars).

    For plants id recommend java fern, anubias and cryptocoryne wendtii.

    Good suggestions! I would think the corys and rams get along.. am I right on that front? I would like to do gouramis, tetras and rams as I currently have that setup in a smaller tank.

    The plant suggestions seem good to go too, thanks!

    How about hatchetfish? I've read of a lot of people keeping them with Honey Gouramis and dwarfs. Haven't tried personally as I tend to focus on bottom dwellers lol.

    Not too sure if the aesthetic of them is for me but thanks for the suggestion!

  6. Hi all,

    Been a little while since I was here last! I purchased a standard sized 55 gallon aquarium a while back and am getting into the planning stages of what I'd like to have in it. This will be a show aquarium for my dining/living room and I would like to have cichlids in it. Unfortunately I'm torn as to what to go with.

    I'm thinking of a dwarf tank with rams, mixed varieties, with an angel or two (or gouramis) for show and a few schools of tetras. This would be a calm show tank that I would be extending from my current community tank with the same set up (rams, tetras and gourami). I was considering making this a planted tank with easy to care for low light plants, lots of caves and aquascaping.


    A more aggressive tank consisting of Aulonocara, Copadichromis, Julidochromis, Labidochromis and Neolamps (fairy). Not too sure if I would put in all of these species, input is certainly welcome. :)

    This tank would have the rocky, pebbly bottom that are meant for these cichlids.

    I'm open to any thoughts and ideas, so please send them my way :)

  7. imagepff.jpg





    The last picture is a close up of a recent sprout that came up red/brown.

    I used to have a background wrapped around the tank but I have a very mischievous cat who LOVES to chase fish. She would rip it off regularly so I just removed it.

    Thanks for all your help!

  8. Hey everyone,

    I picked up some Val. Nanta at the February auction. It's been a few weeks and I have notice a few things.

    1) I have one plant that has already sent off runners! AWESOME.

    2) My snail is not eating the plants (bonus)

    3) Some of the leaves are brown. This is occurring on the plants I have and on the one runner. Is this the melting I've heard about? I've noticed, brown and green algae on my driftwood, thermometer and filter. I was wondering if this was another possibility.

    Tank parameters:

    -Lights are standard fluorescent. The tank does get some indirect sunlight so I don't turn on the lights until after I get home. On for about 6 hours a day.

    - 0-0 and 5-10 for readings

    - 28oC consistent temp

    -Fish are fed once a day

    -Fish stock is in my signature.

    Honestly, I did nothing special to encourage the growth and that's why I got Vals in the first place. Any help is sincerely appreciated.


  9. I got one bag of val. nanta (9 stems for $5) and 2 bolivian rams courtesy of jeremoose! Very happy with the small haul. I'm excited for the next auction, will certainly be staying the whole time in May!

    Big thanks to everyone who put on the auction, the runners and the sellers! :)

    PS Jeremoose and I could see SGG from the back, hand up consistently with the cories kinda gave ya away ;)

  10. That certainly does help! I tend to feed my fish once a day and only what they can eat. Occasionally I'll skip a day and then feed them. They are pretty spoiled with bloodworms, brine shrimp, pellets and very little flake. I'm doubtful my apples will become carnivorous, as one has been "attacking" the other every day for a while now and nothing is coming of it. I don't think apples clean the inside of each other's shells and I haven't seen any eggs that would point to mating so I don't know. The snails have been wonderful for cleaning up the fish food and any "aged" zucchini I have in the fridge.

    I have heard of bumping at the auction, so I'll see what I can do depending on what's there (although I have a feeling there will be some great finds).

    Thanks again!

  11. Thank you all for your great replies.

    FCG-I'll certainly be at the auction on Sunday but have to leave for an appointment around noon. Hopefully I'm able to get what I'd like before then. ;)

    JamesBarr - I'll look into the MTS, I assume my mystery snails won't have a feast on them as they're burrowers. Am I right in that assumption?

    ckmullin-I'll start leaving that precious gold in the gravel ;)

    From the site http://www.tropica.com/en/plants/difficulty/easy.aspx I've picked out the following that I like.

    Vallisneria sp. "Asiatica" - http://www.tropica.com/en/plants/plantdescription.aspx?pid=056A

    Ludwigia sp. - http://www.tropica.com/en/plants/plantdescription.aspx?pid=035B

    Staurogyne repens - http://www.tropica.com/en/plants/plantdescription.aspx?pid=049G

    Thoughts on those? I'd love to have the ludwigia "framed" by the vallisneria in the background of the aquarium.

  12. Hey everyone,

    I've been pondering the idea of putting some real plants in my tank and I'm looking for some advice. I have a 29 gallon and the stock list is in my signature. I already know the snails won't eat green/living plants as I've put in zucchini and lettuce and they won't touch it until it's getting fuzzy. I have standard bulbs right now, meaning I would need low light plants. Due to a potential snail outbreak, I'll likely need a few dwarf loaches.

    I've had my tank set up for just about six months and parameters have been 0-0-0 for a while, with 25% water changes weekly. I'm running an Aquaclear 30 for filtration and have stabilized temp at 28oC.

    Any thoughts on what plants/loaches I may consider for this endeavour? Anything else I may have missed?



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