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Posts posted by molan

  1. I have a new 90 gal aquarium that I put 4 fish into 2 weeks ago. before I put the fish in I seeded the tank with a few hand fulls of substrate, rocks, accessories and the filter sponge from an established aquarium to try and get the cycle going. the tank has 2 Rena Filstar xp2 filters on it.

    My ammonia level is at a constant 0ppm but I can't get the nitrite's to come down. The seem to be sitting around 1 - 2 ppm (its hard to tell the shades of purple apart) for about a week now. I have been changing water daily and treating the tank with Prime water conditioner (it is supposed to also detoxify Ammonia Nitrite and Nitrate) but with no results.

    My nitrates are registering on the test at around 2ppm

    Am I just being impatient or is there something else I can to to get the nitrite levels to drop?


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