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Posts posted by flash_oesc

  1. I collected them from the main tank, the ones on a leaf, I just cut the leaf, the ones on the glass I used a razor blade to scrape and catch. I used two methods to hatch (they were both pretty equal). Half the eggs went into a hang on quarantine box, clipped across from the filter output for flow, the other half went into a 2.5 gallon tank with some methylene blue. Once the boxed ones hatched, I added them to the 2.5. The ones in the 2.5 hatched one day after, but both had a very high hatch rate.

  2. I had my albino and normal do the deed in a fake castle. Wasn't trying to breed, just notice my male was absent. I caught 20 fry with a shrimp net and an NLS container, and moved them to my fry tank. Left another 10 or so in the community tank, still see a couple here and there...my male is cleaning the decorations again.

  3. Hybridization can happen with most species, unsure if that happened here. I would say option 2 more likely as once one group spawns everyone else wants in on the action, as long as you have males and females of each species, they will more likely stay with their own group for breeding lol. Once they get a bit older time will reveal what they really are.

    I'm so impatient...lol I just want to have all the grownups, and feed them pellets instead of powder...

    I'm sure I have males and females of both species in question, as I've seen fry from both breeding trios. Not sure what ratio I have, but at least one of each :)

    Thank you for the input!

  4. Question for any corydora pros out there. This tank had 3 venzualan orange, 3 peppered, 1 sterbai corydora. I thought they were my oranges that bred...then the fry started growing and I thought it was my peppered. Now as they grow more, I'm confused.

    My last 3 pictures in this topic: the first looks like a mix of the two, the second looks like my orange and the last looks like my peppered.

    Can those two species interbreed? MY fry tank seems to have a mix of peppered, venezualan, and a few that look like a mix. The other option is that two groups spawned at the same time, and I collected all the eggs and put them together, or the third option, They are all the same, and I know jack about corydoras...


  5. I have several different filters set ups. I have sponges, hang on the back and canisters. I prefer my canisters. I have fluval and eheim. I prefer eheim. As far as i'm concerned, eheim classics are power houses, work great...etc. I got mine at petsandponds.com great prices, fast shipping. Come with all media, disconnects and spray bars. My 55 has a classic 2215 eheim and a sponge filter in it. My 75 has the 2217 and a fluval 205.

  6. Picture from today. I've been experiencing mass die off, and I think I had a mini cycle run through. Seem to have got it under control, and still have 40+ fry who are ACTIVELY hunting food. This has been so neat. Also, I have a sponge filter in my cannister of my 75 now, just incase I get more surprises...I was not prepared for these...


  7. I'm not a chemist - so I won't way in on any of that, other than the nitrite being a little high considering...

    I find a petstore job is to sell you stuff, a forums job is to help keep what you bought alive :)

  8. I try to, but I also find i'm very picky as to who I sell them to. I want to know what size tank, tank mates...etc.

    I have traded in large volumes to my local petstore, for a very small store credit - but they don't do it for anyone else, so it is my relationship with them that benefits both of us.

    I'm going to sell a bunch of corydoras once they grow out a bit. I sell them for significantly less than the petstore here does when I do sell privately.

  9. Also, the beneficial bacteria doesn't live in the water, it lives in filters (mostly) and other areas of the tank substrate decor...etc. you'll still need to properly cycle the tank (either with fish or fishless, your choice), or you'll end up with ammonia spikes and killing your new finned friends. Just thought i'd point that out, I assume you were using the old water thinking it would set you up to start adding your fish?

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