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Posts posted by xXFullmoonnightXx

  1. stop by the dollarstore and get little craft ziplock bags and portion out meals out for each tank in them and label the day. Be Sure she knows that you cannot double the amount if she forgets a day and its no biggie if she does forget a day or two. Automatic feeders are my lifesaver. Have dechlorinator and bacterial supplement with easy emergency doseing instructions taped to THE bottle ie. 1 capfull.

    Have a list of contacts she can call for questions. speak to your nearby fish store not general pet store to see if they would mind if you listed them as a contact for when you are gone. you could put the bloodworms in the baggies too.

    Depending on weather in July and your setup have a backup in case of overheated tanks. frozen blocks of dechlorinated water in ziplock bags work well. an extra ziplock handy so she canrun to the store if she is unsure about the water.

    Good luck


    That's genius! Thank you~

  2. I live in Edmonton and need a fish sitter for July. I just need someone to come by every second or third day for about 2 weeks to feed my fish and axolotls. I doubt my aunt would be willing to melt the blood worms and etc. Anybody interested? Or know of any ways I can leave them in the care of someone with no fish knowledge?

    Sorry if this is in the wrong section, wasn't sure where to put it.

  3. Hello, local fish crazies.

    I'm from Edmonton and have a terminal case of Multiple tank syndrome.

    Lets begin the list shall we?
    90g :Two 5 inch Parrot Cichlids + 1 foot long common pleco
    40g long: One 9" Ropefish+ One 5 inch common pleco
    30g tall: 3 Axolotls
    20g: one 7 inch comet goldfish
    10g: 2 bettas+ a golden algae eater + twig catfish.

  4. Hello everyone. I'm a fellow fish lover from Edmonton and I would love to meet more of you Edmontonian fish fanatics. At the current moment I'm running a 90 g goldfish tank ( struggling with this right now. I've lost 3 fish already), 2 Parrot cichlid tanks, 2 betta tanks, a ropefish and pleco tank and I've got 8 axolotls that I will build a tank for. I'm about to start a table top shrimp tank too. I'm having trouble deciding between bowl or small tank...

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