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Posts posted by KristenR

  1. Beautiful fish!! There's a betta in one of the mirrors for auction at southcentre mall, and the poor thing has been so harassed that if you look at him, he dives for cover and hides in the rocks in his little tiny "box" I work in the mall and I am so sad to see how this fish has gone from the typical betta- all bluster and pride- to a cowering shell that either hides or just turns off. Poor thing!!

  2. I've tried both species only and community- community being with sparkling gouramis, neons, and white clouds. I think I only have 1 shrimp left in that tank. When I tried the species tank, I think I may have gotten just females, but I wasn't sure. Never have I seen a single berried shrimp in any of the tanks I've tried them in. I like shrimp, but I just don't seem to have any luck with them!!

  3. Well, it's been a while, but I went to the store today to get some snails for my 10, and they had some scarlet badis there- I hadn't ever seen them in person, they're so pretty!! So, I HAD to go pick up some kitty litter for substrate, and a couple of plants. Didn't pick up the Badis yet, since they're pretty sensitive and I only just set this tank back up. Will post some pics once the kitty litter cloud subsides in the tank lol.

  4. You could always do a really awesome mini scape with different levels and plants...and then enter it into a competition to keep your motivation up! :) Plus, there are lots of micro fish around...just gotta know where to look. :)

    Competition sounds a little much for me.... but micro fish are interesting!! Any recommendations on varieties that are relatively easy to find and also relatively easy to keep??

  5. Would a CFL bulb fit in the hood though?? I mean physically fit into the space? Mine's a marina starter kit that I picked up a few years ago, had set up, then took down when we got a puppy and three tanks was just too much... at that point I had the 10 that I've still got going, the 5 that I'm thinking of bringing back up, and a tiny little 1.8 gallon that I had set up with some RCS. Where do you get Schultz? is it a stand-alone substrate or does it need gravel on top?

  6. So.... I'm feeling like I want to set up another tank, and I have a 5 gallon kicking around my basement that I was thinking of using- I know, I know, not a lot you can really DO with a 5, but I HAVE it, and the hubby is hesitant to let me spend more money on ANY tanks, so there you go. I'd like to set it up to plant, when I first started with aquariums I thought I'd be all interested in the fish and not so much into plants, but I actually have found I really like the plants, and that the whole setting up/planning/figuring out what will work best is the part I enjoy the most. Once the tank is established and looking great, I like it, it looks nice, but I don't get as much enjoyment out of it as when I'm struggling to figure out how to make it look better. I guess I'm wierd. The questions that I have are:

    Is there an easy way to get better light out of the stock hood that came with my 5 gallon? It fits up to a 25W incandescent but when I had it set up before, I felt that I wanted just a little more light in there.

    What kind of substrate is best? I have looked at fluorite, and that stratum stuff that Fluval makes, and the pricing is close with either, so I'm not really sure what I should go with? I'd love to get a nice colony of RCS in there, and maybe a few tiny fish, and a snail or 2, but I've tried RCS from Big Al's and from Petland and haven't had any success gettting them to breed, either in their own small tank or in a community tank. As for plants, I like Anubias, I have some java moss, java fern, and valisneria in my 10g so could bring some of those over, (maybe not the val so much) does anyone have suggestions on plants that look great but are easy to keep for a newb like myself??


  7. New to this forum, I've been playing around in the kiddie pool of aquaria for a few years now, but I see all of the beautiful planted tanks that some people run, and am getting the bug to start a new one.... I currently have a 10g planted but with only gravel substrate, in which I have 4 neons, 3 white clouds, an apple snail, 2 sparkling gourami's, an oto, and an unknown # of RCS. (I saw 2 a few weeks ago, but since then my sparklers have gotten mighty colorful, and I'm suspicious.....) I have an old 5 gallon kicking around that I'm considering setting up "properly."

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