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Posts posted by Psylant

  1. Hi everyone,

    I bought a used 135g a while ago off here, knowing it was damaged. It holds water, I've been told, but the chip/crack combo is pretty gnarly. It's on the back panel of the tank, about 1/3 of the way up from the bottom of the tank, on an edge. I have attached a couple pictures of each side of the damage.

    Do you think siliconing a piece of glass on the inside AND outside of the tank, over the damage will help reinforce the aquarium? I would cut away the old silicone seal on the chipped edge, and run a piece of glass acting as a cleat from top to bottom on the inside, with silicone all over it. I'd do the same on the outside, just in hopes of extra strength but I don't think it matters as much... I don't really want to replace the whole piece of glass if I don't 100% absolutely have to. I don't care what it looks like when finished. It will end up being a grow out tank, not a display tank.



  2. Be sure that he materials used for the liner and such are not treated with an algaecide, something to inhibit mould, or other chemicals. My guess is that Canadian Tire personnel don't know if the materials are treated or not.

    Hmmm.... Good point. I hadn't thought of that. I did find this in their Q&A (see below). They kind of dodge the question, so I'm not sure if it's safe or not... I would imagine so but I'll try to find out for sure. Thanks for the thought.

    I have sent the manufacturer an email asking about algaecides, etc. Will post the response I get.

    Is the liner of this pool fish safe?


    I need to house my koi for a couple of months while i rebuild my koi pond. Is the pool chemically inert so that it will not harm the fish?

    by Anonymous

    2 years, 4 months ago

    Answer this Question


    The manufacturer would not advise you put Koi in their pools.

    Fish constantly excrete large amounts of waste which could potentially affect the pump and will void the warranty so they would suggest not purchasing this pool for the use of Koi.

    Staff Answer Expert Answer

    by CanadianTireTeam

    2 years, 3 months ago

  3. Check out my aquaponics thread. My pond is a 300gal stock tank, I have a pond pump that pumps water up thru the grow beds. I run a dehumidifier in the room, which is insulated, that keeps the room temp in the high 20s Celcius - no heaters required.

    I have an unfinished basement that isn't very warm (I don't think any of the ducting channels warmed furnace air down there...). I'm not that worried about moisture, it's a big room and my furnace fan runs 24/7 which should help spread the humidity around the house. I currently have to use a humidifier for my hardwood flooring! I've seen people use those stock tanks before. I would buy one myself if I could find one used, but they seem to be fairly in demand!

    Thanks for your reply! :)

    Also, your aquaponics setup is pretty cool. I might consider trying something similar if I go with the pool idea.

  4. Does anyone here use pools instead of aquariums? Does anyone have experience with these? http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/steel-frame-pool-set-10-ft-x-10-ft-x-30-in-0813127p.html#.VgAUBt9VhBc

    I could simply throw my pump into the pool, and have output into some 55gal drums and flow back into the pool via gravity. I would put some of the dense foam insulation board on my basement's cement floor to help insulate the "pond" and keep it warm. Maybe put some spray insulation foam around the outside of it too? Filling it to the 20" mark would offer about 980 gallons.

    The reason I ask all of this is that I need to build a new home for my 23" Mbu Puffer and can no longer afford the 8'x4'x2.5' custom aquarium I was going to build. I've run into some large unexpected expenses lately and this would hopefully buy me enough time until I can afford a real aquarium for him again. I just moved houses a few months ago, and he's still living at my parents house in an aquarium that will *NEVER* be able to get out of their basement. It's simply too heavy.

    Please let me know if you have any experience with these pools! :)

  5. I'm in the process of moving my fish into MY first home, and I would love to set up a drip. My concern would be the drains. The only way I can think of doing it "safely" is to drill into the top side of the tank (or sump) and use a coarse screen over the hole to keep out large debris. The flow would be slow enough that nothing should plug it that way.

  6. I guess it depends how much you want to spend and what you want to grow for plants. Any high output lighting will do the trick for 95% of plants, regardless of the type of lighting (fluorescent LED, MH, etc.). You can just use sand/gravel/potting soil, or you can spend a small fortune on the "real" substrate that ADA and such companies will try to sell you. You can dose fertilizers, wet or dry, or not at all. If you grow undemanding plants such as Java Fern and Anubias, all you'll need is fish, a light (any kind, even low light), and to tie the plants to something. They don't do well when planted in substrate. They're nearly impossible to mess up unless your lighting is too bright and your nutrients are out of whack. Then you'll just grow tons of algae on them since they're slow growers.

    Hope that helps?

  7. Hi everyone,

    I'm looking for feedback from anyone that has had a custom aquarium built by Concept Aquariums. The build experience, quality, timeliness, any errors encountered, customer service, etc. The bigger the tank, the better! Please feel free to PM me if you're uncomfortable voicing your opinion in the thread.

    I'd like to have a custom aquarium built in my home, in June/July. I want to build as big of a tank as possible. The limiting factor will be how big of a glass sheet can fit into the basement. I can't get my 450g out of my current basement in one piece, and need to have a big tank built so I can transfer my puffer to his new home before cutting the 450g apart.

    So please let me know your experiences with Concept!


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