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Posts posted by dillpickle

  1. I ended up going with the Finnex Ray II and am pretty satisfied so far. Only thing is it leaks a lot of light for me.. If I use it with the little clamps it comes with, it lights up the whole room. Even when I lay the fixture flat on the lid, the front and back edges shoot out alot of light. Any suggestions for how to fix this? I am thinking of making some simple reflector to place over it...

  2. Hi all.

    I am looking for a new light for my 90gal planted tank. Currently I have two t5's and my lighting is now where, where I want it to be.

    I am really looking to spend as little money as possible while still purchasing (or making) a high quality light that requires little maintenance (for example buying new bulbs frequently) and will output a decent intensity of light. I have looked at making my own lights (putting together my own LED) and some other units but not really sure what is good for me.

    Just looking for your guys opinion on what you think would be a good idea to give me good amounts of light while still keeping costs as low as possible.

    Let me know what you think!

  3. Adult discus don't necessarily need major water changes everyday. It is more for the juvies to help them grow as big and healthy as possible. I find the general consensus for adults is to keep nitrates under 10 for them to be as healthy as possible.

    As for the black discus you saw...Discus turn very dark when stressed, and a completely black one is common in the more blue coloured discus. Disucs have to be in pretty bad shape for them to be black...

  4. The standard and sort of general rule is about one discus per 10 gallons as already said by darryl. Breeding pairs of discus can do very well alone, but a single pair of discus is not recommend. Not being in a group of 5 or more (think that is the right amount) can lead to stress which can lead to health issues like disease. I would check out the website www.forum.simplydiscus.com if you haven't already as people there can likely answer you question(s) in much greater detail. (Hope I don't get in trouble for posting that link, just trying to help him out)

  5. I would love a few nice and mature swords, a school of at least 6 Sahyadria denisonii. Also would really like some nice penang eruption discus and also some really nice blue diamonds. Also wouldn't it be awesome to have a nice and big breeding group of zebra plecos? (okay maybe that one is over the top)

  6. Dillpickle, are you successfully raising your discus? I would like to buy some. Post some photos please.


    I sure am. Got a batch of around 90 right now in the grow out stage. they babies are only around 1.5-2cm right now. I will post pics of parents in a couple hours and pic of fry later tonight.

  7. Welcome to the forum! Discus is something I would love to do ... one day.

    Thanks! If you do your research, are committed, and don't cut any corners, discus are an awesome fish that are able to be kept healthy and happy!

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