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Posts posted by rangergirl77

  1. HELP!!! One of juvenile uaru's looks like this today?!?! WTH is it? I have NEVER seen this in all my fish keeping years! It is acting normal & eating still...but I think I should euthanize it?! :,(

    Out of my group of 3 juvies...this one is 1/2 the size of the others?! (stunted?)

    How can I humanly kill it? Freeze it?

  2. ...and this is one of my 4 remaining raphaels, in quarentine.

    You can see what Seachem Paraguard did to his whiskers...burnt them! :(

    I used 7 capfuls in my 150 gallon tank...which is just under half dose. Can you imagine what it would have done at full dose?!?

    Thanks for the "SAFE" recommendation once again from Big Al's...ugh! It was supposed to be safer choice as it doesn't have formaldehyde...

  3. Did a 40% water change this morning, and put the carbon back in the filters.

    Cranked the heat up to 84F slowly (I'm scared to go any higher, because I have multiple bristlenoses & rope fish), added extra salt, and hooked up my UV sterilizer.

    Looking a little better this afternoon....Only my juvie Uaru's have it the worst in the tank (and I think I caught it in the early stages because thy are eating well still)...my other fish have 1 or 2 spots!

    This is stupid of me, but I admit I added a new severum to my tank from a friend without quarantining a week ago :(

  4. Well... CRAP! I see tiny bits of ich on many of my fish in my 150 gallon! Turned up my heat to 82F and did a 1/2 dosing of Seachem Paraguard. (did a half dose because of my bichirs, rope fish, and raphael cats). This morning I woke up to a dead raphael & my long finned albino bristle nose is dead too :,(

    So I spent over an hour trying to get my other 4 raphaels out of driftwood, and into quarantine away from the Paraguard.

    Are raphaels sensitive to medications? I've NEVER had any issues with Paraguard in the past...it is very broad spectrum and great for using when adding new additions or the first signs of an issue.

  5. ADVICE NEEDED! A few months ago, my large cichlid smashed a cheap glass thermometer. I found the glass, but all the little metal balls fell underneath my gravel. (and they are too heavy to be vacuumed up!) Today during a gravel vacuuming, I noticed the floor of the tank has rust & the balls have disappeared. I tried to scrape some of the rust off with a algae scraper....but it didn't come off. So I just recovered the area back with gravel.

    Is rust hazardous to my fish? I'm worried!

  6. Well, I just put my festivum in Melafix to treat some damaged fins in a quarentine tank. Within 10 minutes he was gasping for breath and upside-down! I quickly scooped him out of quarentine and threw him into another running tank…5 more minutes he would have been dead FOR SURE!

    I had TONS of aeration, filtration, ect….I am nervous to EVERY try this stuff again :(

  7. Thanks! I went from a 110 to a 150…I really didn't think it would crash because I kept my eheim dirty! I guess with all the moving the rock and adding another 20lbs of new gravel, I killed the bacteria! I also went from a sump, to no sump (I hated all the work with the sump)!!! I now run 2X Eheim 2217's on my 150 gallon… :)

  8. I have a couple parrots with the beginning stages of fin rot! Should I use PrimaFix?

    The tank is 150 gallons, and is still kind of in "new tank" syndrome. I have FINALLY just started getting my nitrates & nitrites to normalize….4 weeks later! So my question is, will the fin rot clear up now that my water is stabilizing???

    I have also in the last couple days raised my temperature up & added salt…

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