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Posts posted by scorchy99

  1. Hi!

    Several weeks ago I acquired a few thick lipped gouramis and I am having quite a time determining their sex. Based on the images I can find on the internet, they all appear to be female as the males I can find online have a much more extreme dorsal fin point and much more color. They are all about 3" in length.

    I believe that they are all female since they are primarily a silver color with a green shimmer.

    Is there something else I should be looking for in a male? None of them attempt to build a bubble nest, they aren't agressive towards eachother. But they all have a pointed dorsal fin, the fins don't extend farther than the midpoint of the caudal fin, most images of males I can find have much longer fins than that.

    The tank is 60g, surface is mostly covered in hornwort and there is an abundance of other living and plastic plants in the tank. I use a canister and spray bar for filtration, there is almost no surface movement. No other inhabitants.

    Does anyone have a good picture of a male and female I could compare to? Is there something else to look for / try?

    I've been trying to get a good picture but they still hide everytime I get close enough with my phone (and I don't have a real camera haha) :D

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