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Posts posted by msmary

  1. A couple other factors to think about:

    1) color of substrate

    2) light intensity

    3) tank area high/med/low/no traffic

    Hi, my tank is mostly green with all the pants and I have sand (normal brown color) and very low traffic in front of the tank.

    How does color affect the fish.. is therea particular color I should or should not have in the tank?


  2. sounds like every cory i ever owned or own. any movement in front of tank and poof there magicians.

    questions on tank :

    size gallon wise and footprint

    my other concern is the numbers of each species ..should be 5-6 of each at a minimal (why i asked footprint)

    love my cories very fun to watch, nightime more then lighttime

    ember tetras are social too 5-6 minimal there too if tank size allows (i dont want an overstockd tank either)

    and lastly WELCOME to forum

    lots of good peeps and even better advice


    I have a 20 gallon long tank, I'll have to get a picture up tonight... I'm kind of still confused with the term "footprint" my fish lingo is not up to par.. haha

    I do have at least 5 of the more skid-ish corys, Maybe I will get a few more.. and also some more tetras as well.. I have a total of 11 fish right now ( 9 corys and 2 ember tetras). How many more fish can I have? -- p.s. none of my fish seem to be growing.. and I have had a few of them for over a year is this normal?

    (I could watch my fish for hours...they're behaviour is so interesting)

    Thank you! I've picked up the love for fish keeping this last couple years and have just learned about this forum from the VP of the Edmonton Aquarium Club.

  3. Hi, My corys are to be extremely shy. only a couple of them will come out during feeding when I'm watching. The others will remain hidden and when they do see me they scatter and hide. Is this normal?.....

    I have 2 Corydoras melanotaenia, 2 Corydoras melini, 5 Corydoras oiapoquensis ( I think, these guys are the super skid-ish/shy ones). I also have 2 ember tetras and a bunch of cherry shrimp and some snails in the tank and lots of plants and drift wood.

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