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Everything posted by Charis

  1. I'm trying to get set up for shrimp keeping and I'm having trouble with my water parameters. I thought that RO water would be the solution to these issues, but perhaps not. I've just set up my new RO system and the TDS of my RO water is around 28 and the pH is still well above 7.6. That's as high as my test kit will check and I haven't got my pH meter calibrated with distilled water yet. Can I expect better than this? What is your experience with the end pH of RO water using Calgary as a base source? I literally just set this system up, so perhaps some time will change the parameters as the instructions said to make 30G of water before aquarium use. If the pH of RO water is still so high, how do I manage shrimp? I thought this would give me a huge jump on having to use peet or pH impacting substrates. I do have an DI unit coming to add onto this, but does any one have an idea of how this will alter the parameters? Thanks so much!
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