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Posts posted by smmcgill

  1. Hobbyist, I was just curious to see what the moss/crypt setup looked like. I have some java and flame mosses tied to some rocks, and was curious how you'd fill half a tank with the stuff. :)

    Thanks for the really detailed reply, I sure appreciate it. As a newb, I have been relying so much on what people say (for better or worse), as I learn and experience things for myself. So, when things like "use dechlorinator!" are said by almost everyone, a different opinion caught my attention. Thanks for explaining. Is this (off-gassing the chlorine) why some people "age" their water?

    One more question, if you don't mind: why the small water changes daily? To avoid disrupting the water parameters too much with fewer big changes? That's my guess, but I'm interested to see if I'm on the right trac .

  2. I have a tank with hundreds of cherry shrimp in Calgary water and have had no problems whatsoever. I do a daily waterchange of 8 litres, not using water conditioners of any sort. If the temp is maintained at 80 degrees they will breed more freely than at lower temps. Half of my tank is in Java Moss, the other in crypts. It's 23 gallons in size. They do take a while to settle in so patience is a key.

    Interesting! Not even dechlorinator? Patience... Hmph. :)

    Would you share a pic of your tank?

  3. So, if the issue isn't straight-up Calgary water, maybe I'm having a water-quality issue. Out of curiosity, I tested the water in this tank today. Haven't done that for a while because it's a low tech planted tank with soil substrate and sand cap, after the initial few weeks, it was pretty stable. HOWEVER, today, it was not ideal: no ammonia, but around 0.3 mg/L nitrite, and 20-50 mg/L nitrate (that's as precise as my test kit is, and I couldn't really tell exactly which. Closer to 20.).

    Weird. I also found a dead shrimpy stuck in a plant. I had seen it there previously, but thought it was hiding. Oops, wonder how long it was dead? It was all soft and limp, so I think awhile.

    Is that why my shrimpies aren't getting bizzay, perhaps? Because the water sucks? And, does the water suck in part due to the dead carcass? Could one rotting dude contribute that much N?

  4. Hi Lisbeth, I'm new too, and in Calgary too. Just started a new 5 gallon Walstad (natural planted) shrimp tank. Keep me posted with how yours goes!


    So far, so good! My tank is still stabilizing. I had a brief bout of hair algae due to excess iron and plants not being fully rooted to compete, but that all appears to be under control now.

    I'm curious what you did to get it under control?

  5. Not quite: that one shows an incandescent hood, and mine's LED.

    I was reading through the photography/uploading pics threads just before you responded. :)

    I'm using my phone (desktop? do people still use those? Haha), and the mobile version of AA, so I don't think i have the icons you mentioned. I'll keep looking.

  6. I have a 5 gallon non-planted tank with 3 little African Dwarf frogs. I'm currently using a small Cascade HOB (Cascade 20, I think) filter with a sponge pre-filter to keep little legs and feet safe. However, I'm getting a ton of particulate matter floating around in the tank, which obviously isn't getting past the sponge. Can anyone suggest a better method of protecting froggies from the intake, that will still allow some mechanical filtration to happen?

  7. Hi all,

    Just wanted to drop in and introduce myself, since I've been lurking and learning from all of you for a little while now. I got into aquaria by accident: my daughter wanted a pet, my husband is allergic to most furry things, so we went to Petsmart and got her 3 goldfish and a 3 gallon tank. (Wait to stone me until i finish the story!) Well, after one of the little guys promptly died ("he" had a big black mark on his sides near his dorsal fin, leading me to believe he was unwell before I got him... I hope), I started doing some reading and research, have reconnected with my biology background, and have thoroughly taken over my daughter's "pets", LOL. I found a new big-tank home for the other two goldfish :) and have since begun my MTS journey... I have three tanks: one 5-g planted Walstad-type shrimp tank with red cherries, one 5-g not (yet) planted tank with a few African Dwarf frogs, and one 10-g Walstad-type planted tank with some guppies. I haven't been so excited to watch plants and animals grow since undergrad!

    I was referred to AA by a member I met while buying plants from him (hi Rick!), and am hoping to meet some more folks nearby (I'm in Calgary). I'm looking forward to joining the Calgary Aquarium Society in the new year, also. Thanks and looking forward to meeting you all!


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