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Posts posted by BlakeA101

  1. I am looking to add a breeding pair or group of the following:

    Bristlenose Pleco (Calico, reds, albino)

    Green Phantom Pleco

    Blue Phantom Pleco

    Farlowella Catfish (albino would be really awesome)

    I am from Lethbridge but I would be willing to drive to Calgary or Medicine Hat to pick up. Pet stores simply don't have the types I would like or the health. Please let me know prices and what you have. I am also open to suggestion if you know of a cool type of Pleco that's affordable.

    Thank you


  2. I actually just went through this with my 3.5" Leopard Eruption, I cant tell you what it is because I don't know but I did put him in a hospital tank and fed him live BBS and freeze dried bring in very small amounts about 4-6 times a day, for about 2.5 weeks and he recovered nicely. Now he is much better but still looks slightly thin. From what I could find online it seemed to be an intestinal issue, maybe a parasite, worm, or small blockage that he may have picked up from some frozen food, I have since stopped all frozen feedings in my tanks and switched to freeze dried (much easier for me). When I treated I did as though it was an intestinal issue.

  3. I have just gotten into hathing killifish and my hope is to breed them when they get large enough. Do many people on here have killis? I have so far hatched a handful in my first "wetting" and was wondering what kind of hatch rates were common so I know how many to expect approximately.

  4. I was wondering if anyone down my way in Lethbridge kept discus? I absolutely love mine and they are such a joy to watch. I currently am working on breeding mine, though success comes slowly :) If any of you do have some discus down in the Lethbridge area let me know! I would love to chat or maybe trade info or stock down the line.

  5. I thought I would take some time to say hello!

    I am a huge fish person (suprise suprise) and I am excited to find others that share my passion. I am currently breeding Discus, various Africans, and right now I am trying my hand at Killifish, but those little guys are a bit of a pain to see when they hatch!

    I am living in Lethbridge, I am engaged, own my own home and have a zoo of animals. 2 Dogs, 4 Cats, and plenty of tanks and fish. I love to chat about fish and would be more than happy to exchange experiences with anyone!

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