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Posts posted by Shiloh27

  1. I can easily load you up on free plants. As far as stocking suggestions I am really fond of diamond tetras, they have striking colour and are always on the move especially of you have a strong current.

    As far as plant suggestions go, take and try anything you can get for free as a start. What are you looking for, stems, carpet, grass, cryps, red, bright green, dark green, moss? Just remember fishclub girl is who you want to talk to if you want duckweed.

    Not really sure what I wanted, probably something that gets taller in the back and shorter fuller plants in forefront. I would like to try getting something to grow on driftwood. Sorry, I don't know many names yet, very new to planted tanks. I have amazon sword, anubias, and java moss in my other tanks. So probably looking for any stems, grass, mostly greens and maybe moss.

    If you can get me some for free that would be great. Where are you located?

  2. How about 15 pygmy corys, 10 daisy blue ricefish. The rice fish are extremely active, brightly colored except males go blue/black when ready to spawn. Look lovely against a planted back ground.

    What would you suggest for plants in a tank with these guys? I don't have CO2, but might in the near future. Can't spend a lot, so hoping to find some on here cheap.

  3. Now that I have some ideas, I need to find some plants. Would like to get it planted soon, but have been spending lots on tanks lately. Need to find cheap if I can. I have some driftwood but need to pre-soak it and make sure it won't float. Will be in Edmonton mid-February, so hoping to get the fish then. Gives me a bit of time to prepare the tank. Anyone know a good place in or near Calgary for plants?

  4. Starting from scratch in my 25 gal, looking for any ideas and advice. It will be a planted tank, with driftwood or lava rock. I like gourami and angels, but not sure which type may be easier to keep. Was thinking along the line of either tetras or rasboras. I already have mollies, platys, guppies and swords in another larger tank, so looking for something different. Would like lots of color and movement, something my little daughters can enjoy watching.

  5. My 36 gallon peaceful community tank is overpopulated with snails. I have been doing the lettuce traps and have reduced the numbers drastically. I am now wanting to find something to keep the numbers manageable. Looking at assassin snails or loaches? Not sure which route to go. Which is going to coexist best with the other tank mates? I have mollies, platys, guppies and swords.

    Any advice is much appreciated.

    Thank you.

  6. Hi my name is Cheryl and I am in Carstairs (just north of Calgary. I am just starting to get into planted community tanks. So far, as my husband keeps telling me it's an addiction and we will end up with more, i have 3 tanks. 36 gal planted community with mollies, platys, guppies and swordtails, plus a bn pleco and a large common pleco. My 25 gal is currently empty, I am researching what I would like to put in it. Then my newest tank is a 15 gal column with driftwood, plants, apple snails, aquatic frogs and a male betta.

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