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Posts posted by Erynlyn

  1. Greetings all

    I have some.. really really ugly decor hanging out in my fish supply box.

    I guess they are not ugly but they are more salt water fish themed.. and not natural rock in appearance.

    Was hoping to repaint them, get some moss and plants tied up on them and utilize them in my betta tanks, what kind of paint would be best for doing this?

    Thankyou for your time and information.


  2. its my first dirted tank attempt.. i appreciate the feed back and i will do a water change this weekend and see if it helps with the health of the plants.

    i mostly set this up to be a grow out tank for my bettas as well as a propagation tank for plant cuttings from my pet tanks, hoping to make my keeping more efficient by duel purposing my systems.

    :D thank you

  3. So my addictions getting serious, and I need to set up a cost effective fish room.

    I've looked around for easy guides on setting up water filtration and lighting but have gotten so many mixed bits of information im confused.

    At the moment i have 10 tanks on the go.. they are a mixture of live and fake plants.. betta males in 8 of the tanks (each is 10g) then i have a 50 g female betta community tank.. and a 20g planted tank started up.

    i have so many pumps and heaters and lights strung around the house its making the hubby nervous about the breaker..

    so i am hoping i can get all the information i need here..

    whats the best way to set this all up so im not burning my house down *lol*


  4. seems so.. and he's not recovering in the isolated medical tank

    I even called the pet store where i got him from and asked about if they were having any issues with the other fish or frogs in the tank where he was being housed there, and said it was weird and never happened to any fish they have sold before.

    She listed off a lot of medications i could add to the tank to help fight the infection, as i could not travel to there store, i went to a closer petstore of a different chain and purchased the same medications for fungus.

    he's just not recovering.. the white fungus has spread across his face in the matter of the last hour after adding the medication.

    i fear i'm about to have my heart broken again and lose a dream betta.. i've been after a black crown tail for several months now.. only to have him die 48 hours after i bring him home.

    sad fish owner is sad.

    thank you all for listening to my rant.

  5. post-6918-0-83898600-1437872744.pngOk, seems bad lucks striking my betta tanks again.

    Yesterday my crowntail seemed all happy go lucky, socializing with his minnow friends.. and coming to the tank surface to say hello while I did my daily inspections on the state of the tanks after my heart breaking dropsie outbreak a few weeks back.

    Today I went to do my feedings and inspections on the tanks and his mouth looks.. glued shut.. and he's unable to eat.

    I don't know what to do... i have cleaned these tanks.. re cycled there systems.. checked the levels.. the temperatures..

    I got some photos of him at the surface.. it looks like he's trying to get his mouth open to eat the food that is floating around..but its just not happening.

  6. Hello Everyone/All

    I am Eryn.. avid betta fish lover.

    Recently I have found the room to start up my tanks again and have been sadly misguided and confused by a local pet shop and online betta group when my fish got sick. due to the misinformation i lost many of my robust beautiful ladies to dropsie.

    So I am hoping that being part of a group of multi-species fish lovers and hobbyists will give me more confidence in caring for my fish now that I have saved who I could and re-started all my tanks.

    I look forward to being here and interacting/virtual meeting people with passion for fish and their care.



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