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Posts posted by maligne

  1. I set my niece up a tank at Christmas and it's been doing great. I purchased an anubius plant for it and the other day I went to do my weekly maintenance on the tank. I noticed these little brown snails all over the tank. It's a fluval flex with a rear filter compartment and the filter compartment was full of them too. I must have pulled put 30 of them. I don't want them in the tank.. they are invasive. I have some " no planeria" I purchased for a hydra problem I solved with out medicating. It's supposed to be lethal to snails. Has any one had any experience with the " no planeria" product. I have 4 corydoras and three guppies in the tank

  2. Yes I took the almond leaves out and I ordered some no planeria. I am trying to breed this trio of killis so adding other creatures just isn't an option. The fish really loved the leaves and the tannins so I'm just going to boil the almond leaves and add tannins separately once I get the hydra and potentially ditrites worms under control. As far as I know Hydra floats from place to place. I also have swimmers now. Thanks for the response

  3. I research this online first, I didn't come up with much wich surprised me. I posted before about an explosive hydra out break in my killifish tank. I took all the fish and the plants out, I super heated the tank and killed everything filter included. Then I rebuilt. My tank was crystal clear until today. I have tones of tiny Hydra wriggling through my tank now. Both times it was just several days after introducing Indian almond leaves. Does any one know? Do these leaves create a food source for Hydra?

  4. The other option is sometimes if I buy fish and it doesn't work out I call the store they where purchased at and take them back. You may only get %40 or %30 percent credit from the original purchase price but in any case finding them a new tank is better than having your bettas tear them up. I don't know your particular financial situation but when it comes to fish in general, panda Cory's don't cost that much. I had some emperor tetras that terrorized my rummy nose tetras. I gave them back to the store and asked nothing I'm return. I just needed them out of the tank. It was a $25.00 lesson on tetras 

  5. If the fish are in danger just put them up for free. Sometimes our mistakes cost money. That's how we learn. I'm in edmonton so I can't take them. If your running a tank it doesn't hurt to have a small quarantine tank for times like this. Find a cheap used 5 or 10 gallon get a sponge filter and air pump plus a heater. That way you always have a back up. My quarantine setup cost me $100 but I purchased a brand new ehiem Jager heater for it. That was half the cost alone

  6. 22 hours ago, jvision said:

    Feed fewer tiny foods. Spixis snails eat hydra - they used to be quite common, but I haven't seen them around as much

    Hey Jvision. I want to give a hudge thanks to you for not just your reply to this post but all my others aswell. It is much appreciated. 

    I set up a quarantine tank with tank water from my 30 gallon community. I removed all live plants and decor and placed them in a bucket with water from the hydra infected tank (%50 ) I slowly added boiling water to the infected tank until I reached 52 degrees Celsius. I cooked the tank filter and all for two hours. I'm now going to empty the tank rebuild it and jump start a new filter off of the canister on my 30. I'm then going to put all my plants into the quarantine tank after fish are re homed and decide if I'd like to reintroduce them back to the tank

  7. Iv added Indian almond leaves to my killifish set up. My nitrates haven't changed from .5 in the last two weeks and everything else is good. But I figured I should probably do a water change any way. Iv never uses Almond leaves before. I feel they have lowered my ph just a touch. If it continues to lower, ( which is what I want) how do you manage water changes when your tank slowly lowers over time but your tap water does not? Is this an issue?

  8. This is my Trio of kill fish in my 15 gallon flex killi set up. I just wanted to share it with everyone. See what you think about it. Opinions comments, suggestion. I am going to try to breed them in this tank naturally rather than the traditional bare bottom spawning mop remove the eggs way. I think they have some growing to do. The male is really small still and I'm not sure I have enough plant leaf and branch coverage to protect the eggs and raise they fry. Iv seen videos of guys doing it this way online

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