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Posts posted by AddictedToFish

  1. Hey Harold, I was hoping you could help me source a few species I've been having troubles to find : Tateurndina ocellicauda, Elassoma Gilberti, Luciocephalus Aura. Please let me know if you're able to find any of these species, that would be greatly appreciated :) thank you

  2. I happened to get them at Gold Aquariums on 17th Ave. I purchased my big female there about 6 weeks ago, and after about 2 weeks with her, I knew I had to get more!! When I went back, there was only a male and female remaining(and oh so lucky I was as they had already formed their partnership) :) my apologies for the delay on photos, as they have proven to be one of the most elusive creatures to photograph! Successfully got a few good shots nonetheless, just the daunting task of transferring from camera to photobucket, to here! Lol thanks for your interest and photos are just around the corner ;)

  3. I'd recommend getting some belly crawler dwarf pike cichlids! Great South American predator, very interesting characteristics, hardy little fellows, and all in a compact little body :) I just purchased 2 F and 1 M and already the male has paired with one of the beautiful females! Separating the lone female as she has become aggressive and almost jeleous, and fingers crossed I have a successful breeding pair :) these are what I turned to after my eartheater phase lol

  4. From my experience, this is called a "saddle", in other words congratulations, your shrimp is going to be a mommy! :) this is where the cull begin forming, and after a week or two, move there way below the abdomen and tail where she uses her pleopods (tiny rear legs) to fan the young as to keep circulation and oxygen available. If you watch very very closely, you can watch the yellow eggs form to almost white or transparent shrimp cull :D And once it begins, there will be many more to come!

  5. Some excellent points of view here, and absolutely pathetic decision making, once again, by the all mighty Government!! Sad that we all have to pay the price for lack of knowledge possessed by certain "appointed officials".

    Does anyone have any incite on a possible grandfather clause? We're owners who possessed any Chana before the new law was in affect expected to kill their own pets!?

    Lastly, what's the punishment for currently owning one?


  6. Thanks for the great insight cjerrom!! I actually just realized the difference a clean glass lid will make, as a few mo tha ago I noticed the light in my 55G was gaining a slight green tinge to it, which was caused by some algea buildup on the glass. Since then, I've made sure to monitor this on all of my set ups. Interesting to know there is a locally made LED system that competes withT5, and I'm excited to hopefully hear more on this design :) thanks again for your thoughts and info, much appreciated!

  7. Thanks for the reply ckmullin!! This seems to be the general consensus as far as review goes for this product. Initially, I run T5HO on all my planted set-ups, and have great results. The thought of LED grow lights was intriguing at first, but is seeming more and more like a headache/bank breaker! I think I'll agree with you and stick with the T5's. As they say, why fix something that isn't broken.. Thanks again

  8. Hello everyone, hope all is well with yourselves and families, as well as your aquatic buddies too :)

    I've recently purchased a used National Geographic Programable LED light (18"). I have done some research online looking into how well this light will promote plant growth as this light is to be used on my 10G shrimp tank. So far, I haven't found any conclusive or reliable info on how this light performs, so I was curious to see if anyone has used this particular lighting system and how it resulted. Any info on this light would be greatly appreciated, and I hope it will work well with my plants as it provides a beautiful light stream and shimmer to my shrimp tank :) thanks in advance for your time, and hope everyone is staying warm out there :)

  9. Hey everyone, glad to be a part of the family! :) thanks in advance for any future advice and I hope I can share the bit of knowledge I have in hopes to help someone out or just to make the aquatic hobby that much more enjoyable! I run mostly freshwater, fully planted tanks ranging from 7.9 gallon Nano shrimp/Scarlett Badis setup to multiple 55's with an ever growing list of species (African butterfly, rope fish, [exception of brackish tank including dragon goby, 2 F8 puffers and a Colombian shark] as well as multiple breeds of tetra, Rams, gourami,yo yo & khali loaches, platty and Molly, African dwarf frogs, electric blue crayfish, so on and so forth. Always looking for neat and or new species of plants and livestock (nano breeds, schooling, oddball, smaller predators) and always like to hear what kind of set ups my fellow enthusiasts run :D ps. This is my first aquatic group I've been a part of so excuse me if I'm drawing this out, just excited to be a member! :) thanks again all

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