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Everything posted by Raven

  1. When i first bought Pengiuns bio wheel filter for my 29g it was because the regent filter i origanaly got with the aquirum package had stoped working. I never realy knew why it stopped but today i glanced at it and though, eh, why not try it again. So i set it up in the 30g and Presto, works like new! only think i dont understand is why the sudden change.
  2. I kow getting the history on my petstore bought fish is almost impossible, but id like to know the parentage of the african cichilds i bought at the auction last month. Hopefully previous onwers of the fish are members and can tell my about them.
  3. Raven


    well, i came home and found out the rest of her angels died. i was told they had changed the filters to topfins filter cartrages. i tested the water,the levels are a bit high still. the nitrates arearound 80, nitritesat .5, waters very hard, alkalinity over 180, and the ph between 7.2and 7.8. the levels in my tanks are probably a lot worse then hers, lol, nitrates are always crazy. but i dont see why her angels died unless what ever was on there fins was the magor cause.
  4. thanks guys ill keep a eye out on the bracardi, and maybe ill sell them to a petsore, like pjs, for a bit of money. If i do sell them to pjs, how much should i ask for. would they be more, if i waited till the were older and were able to give the store a breeding pair?
  5. You should know they are in a 30g, with a powerhead and aquaclear filter. No real plants, just rock. The substrates sand and some gravel. Tank mates are, 6 acei fry, 3-4 albino red euerkas (sp) and 3-4 bracardis. Ive been told that things should be ok, unless the 'princesses' start pairing up and breeding. Well, since the day i put in some river rocks to form a cave, i noticed the sand shifting. I thought it was from the current the power head caused, until the sand was being moved from under a very large rock ornament that many of the fish use. Then, the day i added some more water to make up for the amount evapoated ( the tank has no lid) i saw 2 bracardi swimming in and out of the cave like systems formed under the decor. To prevent any breeding, i moved the sand back under the place it should of been. Hopefully this delays any future problems, and well advice on what else to do would be nice. Thanks guys.
  6. Raven


    ok, its a deal. you can bring me a couple lol... 2 would be good, less chance of ending up with babies. So youll be in town around the 26-28 of nov? I should have the saturday off, unless im talked into working. Ill pm you with more info.
  7. Raven


    two more died today. so theres 3 left. i tested her water levels and found the nirtrates to be a tad high, and her alkalinity and ph are low, what do angels like for water levels? Dad thinks changing the carbon filters would raise the ph, but im not to sure. I need some info before more for christys angels die off.
  8. my dads girlfriend has a 55g corner tank. amoung its mates are 5 angels, id say fairly young cause they are that big. one died today while i wasat work, and now im noticing a fuzz on the fins on some of the others. i was wondering what i could do for them. prehaps teaching christy to do water changes would be best, lol, and maybe adding some salt?
  9. yes he was, and now i think he has velet. i treated his water with a pince of aquarium salt but i dont think its getting any better. and lately i cant get him or angel to eat more then one pellet, if they even notice its there. i have meds.... cant remember what its called, but i bought it when the fungus was running throw the 29g. should i use it?
  10. Raven


    The algea hair bloom happening with the floating plants is reaching my limit. its at a point t\were the hairsare so dense on the surface of the water that its made a .... skin on the surface. so i was wondering if i could borrow a little sae to clear up the problem. please and thank you.
  11. aquaclear? thats the type of filter i already have attached to my powerhead. so will the one just be fine for the 30 g?
  12. i think the way we have it set up now is fine. With a sickness, breeding, equipment... other general folders that can cover all fish, i think it fits us. Why should we change?
  13. well the fish food ate up th $20 i had, so i couldnt get them this time around. For the acies i got them Nutrafin, Max, cichlid Spirulina Sticks. And for the others i got the omega ones natural protein formula, small pellets, for cichlids. i hope they like them.
  14. ill see how much those stripes cost that you stick on the side of the tank. They may not be very accurate but its better then nothing. Ill be heading to petsmart today looking for cichlid food. stuff the aceis will need and i was thinking of buying a protein treat for them like freeze dried bbs. Might just give them some bloodworms from the freezer too.
  15. the heaters old, and rather touchy, needs to turned up on the high temper to turn on, even with it turned back down once the light goes on i think it stays on the higher temp.... around 82 or more.
  16. right now they are in my 10 g with 4 female bettas. how have been rather nasty to each other considering 3 of them are new and they are still establishing whos boss. and ill have to and some salt to treat their fin tears and bites. I was wondering if the plants are sensitive to it at all. the tanks got a heater, temp rather warm, and has a sponge filter 2 15 wats ( i beleive) bulbs for lighting.
  17. just wondering about the different kinds of filters that come with biowheel. I know pengiun has them, i have one for my 29g, but know im looking for on for my 30g with the new cichlids. The petstores id be going to are either petsmart, pj pets, or petcetera. I cant exactly go hunting up a good ilter cause the busses and cold suck at this time of year. so i was wondering which store has the lowest price and how has the better brand names. Thanks guys.
  18. just wondering, but would putting a large peice of driftwood in the tank be a good idea? considering thats what the aceis live buy i thought it might be a good idea... but it would effect the levels wouldnt it? I java fern availble too... too many for my 10g.just thought id throw it out there.
  19. lol, you got the numbers right. but there is also the bushynosed pelco.would he like the shrimp pellets at least? The flakes i have are by topfin, (they had one feeding with it and demolished it) the fry flakes i had are first bites by hikiri (sp) and some other stuff by nurtrafin. Im tequnicaly banned from buying for fish stuff, but i need food so im aloud to get them some (im suposed to be saving money now). Out of the petstores around me theres petsmart which has hikiri and petcetera which has nutrafin. So ill be able to buy them almost anything they need. and yes its what i have in the tank right now, their quiet small at the moment, the biggest of all of them is maybe a inch, i know their might be aggresion problems, and some might out grow the tank, but id like to wait till they are bigger, see how their coulors come in and see whos male and whos female. Then maybe ill give some way to you guys
  20. As most probably know buy now, i got some fry. And other fish i know nothing about. I just want some quick info one them as for care and stuuf, The foods i have are flakes, for tryopical fish and fry. i also have shrimp pellets and i could start some bbs if needed. Those at the auction know how big these guys are.
  21. ok then... not enough poop? Weaird i only do gravel vac once a month, lol. I add 1 teaspoon everywater change, which take about 5 g of water out. and ill cut back on the light. The temps around 78-82 f, i havent checked it in a while :S
  22. OK thanks, ill see whats at the auction and cause i dont really know much ill probably end up asking complete strangers for some advise. So if you happen to see a girl in jeans and a black t shirt or sweater then you know its me.
  23. a fish like Placidochromis electra maybe? just been looking around some more...
  24. lol,ok. hes off the pellets, and im think ill try getting my money back for them too. tommorow he wont get fed cause i wont be home, same with sun and mon, so when i get back on tues he should be ready of some pea. The bowl is..... cantalope size id say... i think soming like 1/4 of 1/3 of a gallon, i dont remember. he was been swiming better, with his body not curved anymore, hes not baloted at all and seem perfectly fine except for the fact the he still swim like his fins are to heavy for him. Ibelieve i read something think that with the "libby" bettas. But i dont know if it genetic like that. anyway, just to be safe, hes being fasted right now. lol.
  25. There was no spots or anything that i noticed on the plants. The only fertiliser the plants get is fish poop, lol. The tanks a 29 g, lights usually on 24-7 cause its down stairs and im not home all the time. The suBstrate is just gravel blue/green, about 2-3 inchs of it. Theres now co2 that i put in, and the water is tap, with added aqua plus and jungle aquarium salt. Need to know anything esle?
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