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Everything posted by Raven

  1. The sites i loked at? Man i dont remember half of them. I got alot of suggestions and links from a thread i started of petfish.net. They gave me links too, fishprofiles, one i use alot to find compatability, cichild forums, the maliwi chilid one and a few others i cant remember. I think cichlid forums have change since i last looked at it. sooo.... gimme a sec to think here... One peacock sounds good to me, and ill be still be able to have the colour that attracked me to the fish in the first place. Then again, looking at a regular A. baenschi makes me miss them. And learning that alot of fish claim the A. hansbaeishi and red shoulder common names has turned me aggainst the idea cause of poteintal confusion. So i think ill go to the A. baenschi. having labs in there now would be too much yellow i think.... so ill need a darker coloured fish to go with him. Any suggestions?
  2. lol, ok ill get one.... maybe at the auction if i can get there.... i think i might have to beg for a ride at least there. if not, petstores my next stop. I just got pay so yippee!
  3. hes not in a tank, just in his own little bowl. The get cleaned and changed 2-3 times a week. He usually sits on the marbles, unless i come by and hell swim around a bit, getts tired and sits on the marbles again. Like i said before hes weird. Ill keep feeding him pellets/flakes till tommorrow and fast him til mon or tues, then try the pea. Ill let you know how he comes about. Oh and today i actually got him to eat a pellet. ^^
  4. When i was first looking at haps and peacocks, but i excluded the haps for various reasons that i dont really remember. I beleive it was something i read on the cichlid forums. So i stuck with the peacocks, alternating betwwen A. Hans, A. Stuart, and A. Struart. sp. Chiluma. Thats when i narrowed it down to the hans. I though things might be tense, or rather dull with just a trio so thats when i came up with the labs, and cause i came across them alot. Aulonocara hansbaenschi get up to 4-6 inches?? I found that there potentional size was 3.1 inch, 8 cm. I picks the hans, cause it was the smaller peacock out of the ones i found information on. I wanted a rocky looking tank, and i have bought rocks and all to go along with it. From what i found out, 30g was the min for the 2 trios, and many people told me it was a do able project. As for the fish themselves i wanted bright yet contrasting colour. Since hans is blue, red, grey, or blackish i though theyd go perfect with the labs. but, like always a chance breeding would be welcome, which is part of the reason why i have soo many bettas. And to tell you the truth you guys are the only ones to tell me that this is a bad idea. Maybe i should just start with a easier cichlids.... like black convicts...-.-..... and the peacocks?? or the labs?? I think il end up thinking this all over again.... buh bye 4 months of planning. Damn it.
  5. well, the powerheads filter, and a few things for the decor. I have a test strips, it doesnt read ammoinia, but does read nitrates and nitrites. I have already seen a spike in nitrites, and today they went down to about half, with nitrates showing. Cjirty has a test kit to. It has a mini baster type thing, and 3 little bottle labeled as NH3 #3, #2 and #1.....by Hagen. There a space were a four bottle was but i dont know what it was.
  6. i did fast him for 24 hours after i first got him. But he didnt seem any better, thats when i tried to get him to eat, cause ive had so many die on me cuase they wouldnt. The males are do for a water change tommorow, so ill try froozen blood worms with him, but im not sure. They made my female 'mystic' sick and one of my males died shortly after eating them. Maybe i could fast him over the weekend after a couple days with the worms?
  7. 1) Aiming for a trio of each. 2) long version 30g. not sure on the demensions, but its roughly 3ft*1.5ft*1ft. 3) As it stands just a powerhead with a filter. Im hopeing to get another peguin with bio wheel though. I heard the combo is do able because the labs and hans. grow to be the same size. and theres only 6 total. maybe i should just get the hans?
  8. i they we should have a place for tank profiles only, so we can discribe setups, fish mates, plants and all that stuff. Fish History: My first tank was my 29 g. It was a tank i started with and for the longest time all it had was "Canibis" and his pall "Bob" 2 male bettas that actually got along. May both rest in peace. Then there came "Sharky" a Rainbow shark, " Spike" a Otto, "Gem" a CAE, "Lemon" a lemon tetra, and a couple pairs of Swordtails. The Swordtails died from cycling and i started my phase with Danios. I had a school of 9 with sf Zerbas, sf Leapords, and lf Leapords. They slowly died off, being the first vicims to "Gem". Then i got my snails " Curly" a Ramhorn, and "Midnight" a Black Mysterty. I also got my female Bettas around this time. i got a school of Swordtails 3 females, one male they were a grad gift from my best friend... they died thanks to "Gem" Then the phase with more Tetras. I started with a school of 3 Lamp Eyeds. At this point in time those fish from the past that were still living in the tank were "Sharky", "Gem", "Lemon", a single sf Zebra, a single lf Leapords, the 3 females Bettas, and the snails. The Lamp eyeds died 2 falling to "Gem" the 3rd to the Fungus. Shortly after i bought 3 more Lemon Tetras, 3 Red Minor Tetras, and 3 Black Skirt Tetras. The fungus took over killing the 3 females, all but the sf Zebra Danio, all but one Lemon teta and a red minor tetra. "Gem" took the last Lemon. Present: The current tank mates are " Sharky", "Gem", "Curly"and "Midnight" (though they switch to the 10g too.) The last Danio, 2 Red Minors, and the 3 Black Skirts. The set up has always had gravel, blue mixed with green, and has had atleast one fake driftwood with fabric plants at all times, and a plant with some plastics as well. Right now theres 2 fake driftwoods with fabric plants. 2 plastic plants between them, one fallen over and a hollow saramic log. All the plant are/were around the log. My mystery plant (non aquatic) and the 3 news ones too, then they started floating. "Shark" hangs in the log, "Gem" under the fallen driftwood/plants. and the tetras and danio by the remaining driftwood/plants. Temperments are faily calm, cept when foods around, everyone picks on everyone over every bits of food. Some times theres territry dispusts between "Sharky", and "Gem" (usaully after a water change), and lately the Danio has been bossing the tetras around. Equipment: Penguin Bio Wheel(150 i think), origanal hood and lights from when i had gotten the tank. Future: More tetras, but not till next year at least. Afican tank is going to take most of my money. And putting a peice of accual dritwood in, though ill most likely have to move "Curly" and "Midnight" when the ph drops. Though the bonus is the other levels ive been having problems with should drop as well. Also getting more powerfull lights so the plant can live better and seeing about proper up keep, like CO2 injections. I was never too tequinal with that sort of stuff. Sounds like alot dont it? And just to think i went threw all that and i dont even think ive had the tank for a year yet.
  9. The my fishies would be Aulocara hans, many know why too. Anyway the 2 kinds are what im having troubles setting up the 30g for. And i was just wondering if what they like with the tank, the driftwood is being move, so the tank will get alot of rock and fake plants. I hear cichlids dont do good with the realy ones. so i want to know what could happen with these fish, behaviour wise, stories would be great so i can learn from experinces. Also what they like for treats i tend to spoil my fishies. any info on how theyll act toward each other would be cool too.
  10. My attemtps have new hopes. i got 3 new females, one blue, one purple, and one redish. I cant really breed them i dont think, cause i think theyre still juvies. i also bought a new male, but hes acting weird. He looks to be a delta/veil, his back curved in a hump a bit and he swims aquwardly almost as if his fins are to heavy. I think hell last, ive got him munching on flakes, as the sink. His lack of swimming abitilies make it hard for him to eat betta bits. The females are to small for the bits, but they will fight/play over them, which is ammusing and they will eat small crushed flakes. i think itll be a month before i can do anything with the girls, and how knows how long if the male continues to act weird.
  11. ok.... i think i might of screw the 30g up again. I got mom to pick up some amonia (sp) its the no name brand yellow background with red lines/ wrighting. Im not even sure if thats the right kind. Plus i didnt know how much put, so i put 3 little capfulls, 1 for each 10 g. So... whats going to happen to it now?
  12. No, but i plan on getting some from the auction this weekend i just need to get there first. I also hope in getting a new lid and lights there too but ill have to wait and see how much money i can take, cause i still have to get my fish. The algea sounds like abit of both, theres places were its a bit fuzzy, and alot of stringy green algea. The plants were in the gravel before, be they detatched from there root systems.... would this continue to happen if i tried to place them back with the gravel?
  13. you remember a\those plants i bought and started floating on the syrface of the water? Well now they have something like roots or runners growing from then and hair algea has bloomed in them. is it alright to let this happen? or are the plants really rotting?
  14. Raven


    I got the bigger part that could be caought in the net clean up, sorta frustrating but i did the best that i could do. When i turned the powerhead back on the current picked up more dibirs and turned the filter from white to black in about 5 minutes. Could i just rise it out??
  15. lol, looks like i missed that. Did you guys realizes it was the thankgiving weekend too? I was completely busy.
  16. Raven


    well ive switched it and it seems to be working better. But now im having trouble getting the water clean. The sand in the tank has dirftwood bits in it, from what i can tell, and im having trouble getting it clean. What can i do?
  17. Raven


    ok, ill switch it to normal when i get home from work. Maybe by then the water will have cleared up from me adding the sand. Which i kinda got to clean cause theres bits of old driftwood in it, lol. Then ill be able to stick in the decor and heater today. 11 days from the auction, and im not sure i can go anymore. stupid work -.- does it matter what kind of amionia you use for the fishless cycle? and which is faster? fishless eh?
  18. Raven


    are you sure? on normal it blows water out the black spout, on revrse it seems like its getting sucked in... im not sure though.
  19. Ive a powerhead with a filter attacked to the bottom. Only problem is that i dont know if i should have the water flow on normal or revearse. Right now its on reverse. Also, how far down in the water can it go? is it suposed to go only so far with some parts above the surface? or is it ok with it completely sumerged?
  20. hmm.... so they are of high light demands? I havent even had the plants for 2 weeks yet so, maye i can return them to petsmart, and get different ones. If not maybe i can get new bulbs. Ill check home depot and some petstores.
  21. i went looking or pics of my plants. Of the aquatic ones i found 2/3 of them, the third just looks like it but its lissing the redness. Here they are: It didnt have a pic of water wisteria, does some one have one? im looking for a pic of my myserty plant too... no luck yet. oh, and the hardness is always, usualy on the high side of the scale. ph around nuetral.
  22. ok, i went looking for pics of my plants on the search engine and found 2 out of 3 of them, the thrid looking close to the one i have but is missing the red tint to the leaves. here they are,
  23. is there a chance that the stems that are floating arond on the water can grow new roots? or will the roots grow new stems??
  24. it fits for a 29 g, comes in those blue box kits, with the tank and lid and all that you get from walmart. im not sure what the wattage is.
  25. they are new Water Wisteris, a Rotala Indica, and a bocampa (sp) i think. far as i know they were really aquatic plants. ive one whole plat, all its stems i mean floating in the water now, the others seem to be ok... but are loosing them aswell. Maybe my snails are the reason? But ive never heard of a blk mystery and a ramhorn eating plants before, and ive never had any problems till now.
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