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Posts posted by Raven

  1. The whole sun thing might prove to be a challange, since all my tanks are down stairs. But ill get the 10 g set up and running with the lights and filter going, hopfully that will do something... or should i just have the lights and heater on? Im trying to minimze the power usage. I dontknow how often dad pays the bills, the last thing i need if the power to be cut cause of me :s anyway, you got anymore suggestions?

  2. lol, thanks guys, ive got a simmaller post going on at petfish.net. And ive norrowed if down to one type of africans, or some type of S. American ones. Ive been told that alot of the Afircain grow to be very big and need atlest a 55g. But the one type of affricans , from lake Tananyikan, theres suposedly shell dwellers i could pick from, so right now im hoping for some more info on that typs fish and the types i could get which im told is from the Altolamprologus, Neolamprologus and Julidochromis families. I also know practicals nothing about the S. American ones, what could you guys tell me? .. oh and to make things easier heres a link to the petfish thread. That way youll be able to look at the info i have already and will be able to add to it, or dissaggree with it. lol. http://www.petfish.net/forum/index.php?boa...;threadid=14414

    Ohh, and the thing with the live foods.... thats just my anticipation of seeing a fish eat another fish >.> lol, anyway, hopefully you all will be able to help narrow down my search. Thanks.

  3. Your post to me as i was looking for a smaller tank made me think other wise about it. Im keeping my 10g, and your clean vs algea tank has me thinking, lol. My first and unsuccessful spawn was in a clean tank..... that was quickly dritied from food and waste causing the amonia leaves to claim the lives of about 50 fry after their first week. The spwan was accidental, the female jumped outa the bowl i was using as i was looking for proper filteration and heating. I now have a spounge filter and a heater for the 10 g tank. Does the algea filled tank work that well? if so, what would i hae to do from before the spawn to as they grow to get a good algea growth. When the fry are free swimming i plan to be feeding them bbs. If the first hatch it be me 2 spawn, though ive made about 5 attempts at this. Whats your suggestions?

  4. I've a 30 g long that i want to set up slightly different from the communal set up i have in my 30 g regular. Cichlids have always been the type of fish im attracked to when looking around in the stores, and the bonus of getting to feed them live foods when be a nice change. Anyway, id like to know if a 30 g is to small for them. Or is there certain kinds thats will live comfortable in a tank of this size? If so, how many would be able to get along with out much problems. Please keep in mind that im considering africans too, and i know not to mix the types together. Anyway, this would be my first cichlid setup and im wondering what info you guys could give me.

  5. Some people would notice that I am currently in the process of selling/trading 4 of my fish. One being a CAE and 3 female bettas. Once they are gone the tank will be rather.... empty i think. Then again I always had the problem of over stocking my tank. With them gone, there will be the tank boss "Sharky" the rainbow shark, "Lemon" the Lemon Tetra and his school of tetras totaling 7 or so fish including some red minor and lamp eyeds. The lone Zebra Danio, my 2 Snails and "Spike" my Oto, if hes still around. He tends to have a dissapearing act. Im thinking of getting on fish that will grow to be about Sharkys size. Before that fish would of been my CAE. Im also looking into getting more of a clean up crew. Sharky and the Snails "Midnight" and "Curly" do a pretty good job... right now im not even sure if Spikes amoung the living. So im just wondering what you would suggest for the new guys. Thanks alot.

  6. lol, thanks everyone. lol, nice to know im not the youngest here either, lol. my 18th b-day comes in a couple months soo, ^^ hehehe, here comes the bars! lol. Oh, i forgot to say my tanks and their sizes. Well, ive the 29g community tank, various sizes of bowls (5 of them), a 10 g breeding/hospital tank, and the 30 g long that im slowly setting up. Everything i got with the tank was old, broken, and i couldnt use, so i have to track certain parts down.... its proving to be quite expensive so far. lol, guess that comes with the trade.

  7. Hey, Im from edmonton. Not even older enough to be legal yet, lol. So... im the youngest? I've 24 fish, including my snails. Got hear through a local guy. I've 6 bettas in total, 1 dark female(Mystic) and my two guys (Canibis, Red) in their own bowls, and the 3 light females ( Arura, Chance, Lucky) in the 29g communal. Along with them are a rainbow shark (Sharky), a otto (Spike), a CAE (Gem), a ramhorn snail (Curly), a black mystery snail (Midnight), a zebra danio sf, a lepord danio lf, 4 lemon tetras (the biggest being Lemon),4 lamp eyed tetras and 3 red minor tetras. All were bought from the new Petsmart on 137th, excluding the female bettas bought from Petcetra on 137th and the snails bought from PJ Pets in Kingsway mall. I think this will do...

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