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Everything posted by Raven

  1. Its been running for 5 months or so, and when i rearranged the tank a few weeks ago it caught me off guard. Never had this happen before. As long as it would harm anyone i'll leave it alone.
  2. should i try exposing it then? its pretty much just under the wood where no one can get at it.
  3. so the white stuff is a fungus?? i'm not sure how i'm supossed to treat it. When the next water change comes in a couple of days i'll re read it and try something.
  4. ewwy. i wonder who would eat it.... looks pretty gross to me. can be removed?? does it clog filters or anything? removing it sounds very messy, and sounds like it would cloud the water super easily.
  5. On the bottom of the drift wood there is stuff that clings to the drfit wood and to gravel. Its kind of white and fluffy looking and i have no idea what it is. The drift wood was boiled and baked before adding it to the tank and has java moss growing on it. I'm afraid to disturb it too much in case whatever is under there causes some sort of illness. Does anyone know what it could be?
  6. huh, i've one pond snail, never really see it, it appears every once in a while, out of the blue. did find the bugger in the filter once, and i don't really know where it is now, maybe its time to check that filter again >.>
  7. Raven


    thats why i know check 2-3 times a day.... plus i've been sleeping alot thanks to suregery drugs. i want to make sure i dont miss anything and am able to trap the pleco before it eats them!
  8. Raven


    the parents are starting to guard again, and the female has presented herself f a few time so i've been checking like crazy for eggs, haven't seen any yet and she's still got her belly. Once she either loses her belly or i spot a single egg i'm going to put the pleco into a live bearer holding net. Not sure if it will float good or if i'll weight it down and trap him on the bottom, it will be his temporary jail cell
  9. i think i might of seen this one, i had been googling them for a while before making this thread, but found the majority of the info lacked detail.so any more info is a great help!
  10. nice looking male. do they nip at the plants? if they ate some of the najas grass i wouldn't mind....
  11. ok, ok, good. they will be with the others mentioned below. so if they are semi aggesive thats ok, i wont have to worry what the others will do.
  12. The net is lacking in info and the only source of info I've been getting is from the person I'll be getting fish from. Wondering if people could share what they know please and thank you.
  13. Raven


    Not sure if its from her or the tigers. Some are a bit older and occurred when he was a juvi with the others that i had sold.
  14. Raven


    i am not sure what you mean by pounding.
  15. Raven


    there is 4 tiger barbs, and 2 diamond tetras. Looking to get a pair of ameca spendids as ottos and pleco aren't doing anything with the algae. Heres is new pictures from after i had rearranged the tank, the pair are in there somewhere.
  16. Raven

    Fat belly

    Her dorsal is dimmer then the 3 others with her and i've been seeing alot of harassment lately too. another one that i thought was female has been harassed to starvation, she's soo skinny
  17. Raven

    Fat belly

    One of my tiger barbs has been looking really fat lately. Is it possible shes preggo?
  18. Raven


    Well, they started guarding last night, i checked this morning and no eggs -.- Later today i expect 2 things, behavior to go back to normal or seeing eggs. I really with i could figure out whats going on >.<
  19. Well i've had the narrow leaf for a while, and you've seen it. (is Faequine) It was the one in the corner by the drift wood.
  20. i have some Anubias nana "narrow leaf" and what kind of java? I have moss, or are you looking for ferns? Wait.... is this the same Grim off edmontonreptiles??
  21. Mine is down two 2 leaves. little tiny ones. I rearranged the whole tanks to appease it and my cichlids. It is now in a more open area where its only neighbour is a short grass.
  22. Raven


    female is almost 2 inches and the male is over id say almost pushing 3 inches. I've seen eggs twice in there spawns, the rest of the times i haven't been able to see and have been going off of their behavior. Since i've rearranged everything i won't miss anything now. Found the pond snail in a cave the last spawned in, not sure what to think of that. The eggs i did see were a yellowy orange, but the did spawn in a Terra Cotta pot. Defiantly sure its a boy and a girl.
  23. Is it possible that my kribs are infertile? They just went by try # 7 and nothing. I couldn't even tell which cave they picked this time, they sort of seemed to pic both for a couple of days then stopped guarding anything again. Today it a water change day, and i'm also going to re arrange the entire set up to try and make it better for them. I just don't know why i'm not seeing any progress. Maybe i should of stayed with mumbas.
  24. i catch get mine to grow anymore, though right now its leaves are purplish.
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