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Posts posted by JSTR

  1. Tony the bulb system is 16 inches wide. Have one from my old reef. Definately would be enough light mind you - was using it on my sps tank (the one you saw - the three level tank)

    Nice thing is you get really good mix and match options on the 6 bulb system. I am thinking of using this one when I setup my larger planted tank. It is worth the exra cash, and worse case scenario you can use it for a reef if you ever get the desire :rolleyes:

    One thing to remember - the tec5 fixtures do not come with bulbs.

  2. Thnaks for the responces there guys - endedup buying the Rea Sea system that uses paintball 20oz canisters. THey are smaller and only cost $4 a fill at any paintball shop and some Walmarts.

    Being my tank is only a 24 gallon this should last a long time still.

  3. Really simple a 2 to 2 1/2" eurobrace around the tank.

    Most eels will not go up the middle of the tank, they more swin up the glass then over.

    Or any screening across the opening will work, remember if its not secure they can push it out of the way.

    Not a common issue but still a possibility.


  4. Now this may sounds like I am a activist (Iam not), but it is simply my opinion. Nothing will change it and please don't take this the wrong way, but I am way to stubborn to change now. All prior points made are in fact valid and somewhat relivant to the topic of this thread. Enough political correctness - here's what I really think. :

    Now the point I am trying to make in reguars to predatory fish. It is not the nutritional value of the pellets in question (there are many, I personally only use one kind). Its the boredom factor associated with the inability or lack of neccessaty that will remove the thrill of the hunt from the game. Nowhere is there solid proof (that I know of or have read) as to the fact that predators get lazy and lethargic in captivity. Yet in captivity they lose the activity of the hunt and as a result, I believe, some of the normal characteristics of the animal in question.

    My personal observations, I feel that my lionfish is now leas active overall since I no longer include live feeder fish in its diet. The color of the fish is great and as a matter of fact the fish looks healthier now, but is also less active. These are preliminary findings, as anyone following the thread on Canreef about my lionfish experiment, will know, I only started the full changeover to pellets three - four weeks ago. This will be an ongoing thing in which I will try a few different methodologies. (But enough on that here).

    And if you prefer a better analogy, substitute 1 boneless, skinless chicken breast & 1 cup white rice & 1 cup mixed vegetables for Kraft dinner and hot dogs. The chicken meal is much more nutritious (actually recommended by alot of nutritionist), but I still couldn't eat it everyday.(Thats why I weigh more than I would like, damn weaknesses).

    As to not further highjack this thread. If anyone would like, I can start a new thread and add the results of the various experiments I a trying on my predators as well as the great success and growth to my reef tank fish. All one has to do is ask.


  5. Anyway, back to the eel keepers....is there any reason eels need anything else in their diet? ie. Shells from crustaceans? And as a predator, do they need to be kept engaged, or are they just opportunistic feeders?

    The only crustacean predators that I have read about that really need live or frozen foods are the puffers. And the shells are just a easy way to trim down the continuous growth of their teeth. I have never come accross this in my research on eel keeping. If the eel will accept non live/frozen foods then it makes life easier on yourself and the pocketbook. (have a freezer with more frozen fish foods than foods for me).

    A personal opinion, I believe any captive animal that was once in the wild - needs and enjoys the thrill of the hunt from time to time. Its only natural and inbred into their genetics.

    This is what I meant by any quality pellet can sustain an animal, just like Kraft dinner and hot dogs can sustain us. (Just cant see myself having that same meal everyday).

    As for my lionfish - this is an experiment, not to discover if one can maintain and have thrive on pellets but to see how hard it would be to train one over and then just to monitor the results over time. I have a very good Idea as to what the results will be, but wanted to try it and document the changes and such. One thing I m also monitoring is the effect of not having that primal need to hunt removed, seeing if it makes the fish lethargic or anything.(like a lionfish is really that active to begin with). Ultimately I would like to remove the frozen foods from my freezer and have all my tanks on the convenience of processed foods. A personal experiment and one I have enjoyed trying, out of over 30 fish I presently only have two that will not eat processed foods, but all are on frozen.


  6. hey Tom

    I my opinion I would get rid of those thray all together.

    When I set up my little 8 gal. I took those three trays out and got some Cheato to place back there.

    Also depending on what you are thinking of keeping in these tanks, a seio 620 might be too high of flow. You can also get actinic bulbs for these tanks, I think it makes a nicer color to the lights.

    The tank is an 8 gal, but works really well. Here's a pic of mine its been set up for over three months and haven't had any real issues with it. Mind you, I dont keep corals in it either, just one really sour disposition Dottyback.(see pics).




  7. Connie,

    THe skimmer is that an Aquamedic Turbofloater? I have one on my 90 gal, would recommend upgrading the pump to an Ocean runner2700. The pump and skimmer work well together.

    Tank looks great too. Can see many more happy trips to the fish stores before you get that monster stocked up.

  8. Hey Tim

    Been thinking bout your reclusive lion. Figure its not that bad, aslong as it gets enough food back there.

    Might be an age thing where the lion is stil small enough to feel threatened in that tank so he hides most of the time. As it gets bigger and bolder, you should see much more of it.

  9. Damn, wish I could train mine to do that.

    Hey Neil which pellets is it eating, I would be willing to give it a try, anything is better than thawing out krill or silversides.

    Besides every other saltwater fish I have eats the stuff like it was caviar, so I could easily be persuaded to try and convince some of my predators to eat it.

    Is there any hints on how they weened it over to the pellets.

    Thanks Paul

  10. LOL Rudy,

    Just watch them, some angel or nice others are mean. If it starts picking on the volitan - the volitan will stop eating and waste away.

    Had to help a friend rescue a dwarf lion that was being harassed by a flame angel, then again have seen angels and lions living peacefully together.

    More often than not the angels (notorious peckers) will peck at a lion, as they are ot fast or even constantly moving fish.

    Just watch them carefully and be prepared to separate them if neccessary.

    And don't let J-ROC persuade you back from the Dark Side. :ph43r:

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