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Posts posted by Tony_S

  1. Assuming the stand, and castor's will hold the weight....Dead load only....

    Realize this....there is no such thing as a concrete basement floor that is perfectly flat. As 'flat' as many may look, they all have very slight elevations and depressions in them (some quite a bit worse than slight)

    You may set the tank up in a spot where all 6 castor's have direct contact with the floor.....roll it 2 feet and you may only have 5 in contact with the floor. If a corner castor comes off the floor, that stand could torque and the tank will crack....followed shortly there after, by all hell breaking loose.

    A disaster waiting to happen.


  2. When I can close the door of my fish room, the rest of the world doesnt exist anymore. I don't think that fish rooms are meant to be displayed for all company to see. Being invited into some one's fish room is a very special thing.

    I agree 100%! When I was still in Calgary I had a 28 tank fish room consisting mainly of Discus....It got started simply to make things easier as far as water changes, breeding & grow out, etc....which it did. But a big, big part of it for myself, was the escape and refuge factor. It was for my own satisfaction, no one else's.

    Maybe you have to be a complete Aquafreak to understand fully....The average Joe would walk into that room and the first comment I'd get was...cool...then I'd get a subtle 'your outta your freakin mind' glance.

    Another Aquafreak would walk into the room for the first time...and their heart would skip a beat, and they'd start rambling and asking questions.

    It takes a nut job to understand a nut job.


    BTW...right now we have 22 tanks scattered throughout the house (no room for a room). Water changes are a complete PITA comparatively speaking...and the whole thing isn't quite as 'rewarding' as it has been in the past.

  3. The first half of your post title is an indication...

    never noticed any problems

    .....That your probably getting a false ammonia reading. Ammonia is extremely toxic, and at 8 ppm all your fish would be dead.

    The false reading is more than likely being caused by the water conditioner your using. Prime is the usual culprit, but many other water conditioners will give them as well.


  4. Here's a few pictures of a Black Comb tail Veil Angel we got from Cary Strong (Great Lakes Discus) in Michigan. I'm not a big fan of the Veils myself...but this big bruiser changed my mind a bit! He's the most Impressive Angel Ive personaly seen both in size and Finnage. With his fins stretched out he goes damn near 13 inches from top to bottom!!



  5. Thanks for the comments and compliments everyone!! Greatly appreciated.... :)

    wow , how many fry do you raise from one pair?

    Actually, we (my wife and myself) only got about 200 fry over two spawns from that Cobalt pair...unfortunately the male (the big one who is in most of the pics) made a Kamikaze run at the glass doin' about 95 mph!! It took him about a week to recover...he now thinks he's a Chicken. :boxed: :wacko:

    Beautiful fish, I don't even want to think about what your water change schedule is

    LOL! My wife Beth is a water change slave (and loves every minute of it) pairs get a minimum of 50% everyday....new fry get 2 90% changes everyday...older grow outs get 1 90% change everyday.

    Thanks again everyone...anymore comments or questions, don't hesitate!

    Tony ;)

  6. Well, well! Look who's here. Welcome Tony! Guess when simplydiscus is down, we have time to visit other forums. lol

    Hey Ron! Good to see ya!

    Actually, I have very little use for MOST forums other than Simplydiscus....But I like the 'tone' here....so far, so good.

    I'll do my best to behave myself! LOL! ;)


  7. Having said that, if treating the water I would highly reccomend Jungle Tank Buddies Parasite Clear.

    I've heard & read nothing but very positive things about this particular med for fish with hexamita type symptoms. The combination of metronidazole & praziquantel seems to have a potent effect on both internal, as well as external parasites.

    I havent tried the Jungle product myself, but I did forget to mention a new product that I have tried, and seemed to work very well.

    Geltek, Ultra Cure PX from 'Aquarium Products' It contains Prazi, Metro, and Flubenol.

    It's a 'gel' type med for internal usage...your SUPPOSED to just 'drip' it into the tank, and the fish are supposed to eat the drops because of some magical pheromones that they use as an attractant.

    BS....they wouldn't touch the stuff! Healthy or otherwise....So I soaked Tetrabits with it, and they accepted it well. (sorry RD, tried NLS, but the pellets don't soak the meds up at all)

    A three day treatment with this stuff made a total turn around with one Discus, and gave a huge appetite increase to another.

    We'll definitely try it again!



  8. Probably too little too late...but, I'll throw in my 3 cents.

    Hopefully, this doesn't turn into a small book! LOL!

    Ive got a fair bit of experience with Metro, as it's used pretty extensively in the Discus trade.

    I'm gonna 'nutshell' it here, so if you have anymore questions don't hesitate.

    Basically, by the time you see white stingy feces, the Hex is in a somewhat advanced stage...got a good foot hold so to speak. Typical dosages wont work worth a crap at this stage. By 'Typical' I'm talking the 250 mg/10 gallons, once a day that is most often recommended.

    You need to 'Hit it hard'!

    The BEST way to dose Metro is at 400-500 mg/10 gallons every 8 hours for 3 to 4 days.

    Ive used the 500 mg dosage only once a day, and it does work...but not as well as every 8 hours.

    Metro loses it's efficacy after 8 hours and does next to nothing.

    As for Temp...There's still a bit of argument in the Discus world as to the proper temps involved. Some will tell you, Given it is a 'Human' med, developed for 'Human' temps...the higher the temp, the better. Some claim lower temps work just as well though. Ive had success with both...so I'm kind of sittin' on the fence on this one. Consider as well, that these are 'Discus' people talking here, and were talking Discus temps that might not be tolerated by other species. Discus are normally kept anywhere from 82-86 degree's (28-30c) and when a Discus keeper says 'elevated temps' they're usually taking in the range of 90-92 degree's (32-33c) If you are dosing Metro though....I'd recommend the highest temp that you think the fish will tolerate to be most effective.

    Not sure of brands, or availability anymore...Metro (on the shelf)was getting scarce when I left Calgary over a year ago. I used to use Aquatronics stuff...but I think they're TU now. Riverfront used to carry Seachem Metro in a small vial, check with them. I also used to get 'Flagyl'(same thing) from 'da back room' at Pisces in 250 mg tabs....you'd probably have to be in tight with someone there to swing that though.

    Hope this helps


  9. :welcome: Welcome to the site Tony. Just so you don't miss Calgary too much it was cold, damp, and foggy today.

    Thanks for the effort Vapor...but when it's 40+ degree's here, with 90% humidity...Cold, damp and foggy sounds like heaven!! LMAO! :D

    hey tony, welcome to AA

    la huh?

    you ever go noodling catfish?

    ever come across any asian carp out in the wild?

    been to ga,fl.....wish i coulda hit la.

    Hey Skin..

    Nope...no noodling. I'm hesitant to even get INTO the water here...let alone ENCOURAGE something to bite me on the hand!! LOL!! Caught lots of Cats on rod and reel, and nets though!! Biggest to this date is just under 30 lbs.

    As for the Asian Carp...no to that as well. I haven't even seen one yet, although I know they're here! Lots of Grass Carp though. Not fished for intentionally, but caught a few in the 15-20 lb range.

    Louisiana is an amazing place for a 'Wethead' though! Just a SHORT list of the different types of fish my wife and I have kept in either the 4000 gallon pond we built, and or the 18 different tanks we have in the house..

    In no specific order. (in brackets are the # of different types)


    Gar (3)

    Grass Carp

    Flagfish (2)

    Cat Fish (5)

    Perch (3)

    Sunfish (4)

    LM Bass

    Crappie (2)

    Darters (2)

    Wild Sailfin Mollies

    Eels (2)

    Killifish (2)


    Freshwater Gobies (2)

    These are just off the top of my head...I'm forgetting a lot!

    Herper's Heaven here as well...Snakes, Turtles, Tortoises, Lizards, Alligators....EVERYWHERE!!

    Thanks again everyone!


  10. Welcome to the board....damn, Lou'sana....I needs me some good Zydeco whilt suckin' heads...damn you have good music and food down there.

    Thanks for the welcome all!

    Skynard is godly down here....as for suckin' head....ain't nuthin like a mouthful of crawfish guts to put a smile on your face! :D


    BTW...Say hey to Wayne for me(Tony the Discus guy)! I miss BS'n with him in front of the Discus tanks!

  11. Just thought I'd finally say hello!

    I'm a born and raised Calgarian, but now reside in Louisiana. (But I'll always be a Calgarian! :ml: )

    Ive been an Aquafreak for some 25 odd years....so Ive got a bit of experience under my belt! Hopefully, I can offer some help where ever I can. My 'Expertise'...Is mainly in Discus, but ranges far and wide into other species as well.

    I'm Currently a "Discus University" Moderator at SimplyDiscus.com. We were just recently hacked, and are in the process of switching servers....So I'm killin' time, and happy to do it here!!

    All you oddball freaks would be in HEAVEN here in Louisiana....there's some WIERD A$$ stuff swimmin' around here!!


    Tony ;)

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