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Edmonton & Area Member
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Everything posted by Sara

  1. Sara


    Big Al's in Edmonton has then all the time...perhaps a road trip to Edmonton is in order!
  2. Well, after lurking on this board for more than long enough , I figure it's about time I introduce myself. Sooo...hi! My name (in case you couldn't otherwise tell) is Sara, and I've been an Edmontonian for the past three years; my boyfriend and I have been keeping fish for just over a year, and have progressed from a betta in a bowl to several tanks between both of our apartments. I've currently only got one tank running at my place (down from a high of three...in a one-room apartment!), and am keeping Black Phantom Tetras, Neon Tetras and Panda Cories. Over at my boyfriends, we've got more pandas and bettas. The good news is that I'll be moving to a much bigger apartment in October and therefore a new big tank, and am now stuck deciding between a South American biotope (with Blue Rams and all of my current tank occupants) or a Brichardi tank (hoping for fry). So...I guess that's it... Hello to all!
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