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odd community


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I saw an ad online for free fish, and I'm a sucker, so I went to get them. I'd always wanted a community tank, all I've ever had was cichlids.

I went to the house, and saw a really bad combination of fish in one tank. I took them all, so I could split them up, somehow. (did I mention I wanted a community tank? :)

In the tank (which was about 50 gallon) was about 20 fish. A bunch I have yet to identify, but heres what I know I saw:

2 black moors, 1 of those goldfish that looks like they swallowed a gumball, really cute, 3 dwarf gouramis, 2 tiger barbs, a small pleco, a java loach (he's pale pink, maybe albino?) and a bunch that I'll try to identify myself. my batteries died in my camera, I'll get some more, and post some snaps.

I still have them all together, and I'm setting up a separate tank for the goldfish in the morning.

I put them in a 30 gal tank with my 4 danios, and a synodontus. Everyone seems to get along so far. Any suggestions on who should stay and who should go? (besides the goldfish, of course). I'm not sure how long they've had these fish together for, none look very big.

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Well the list of what you know you have sounds ok. The person you got them from wasnt having any issues we they? The tiger barbs can be a little nippy and sometimes gouramis can be evil though I've never had any trouble with the smaller spieces. Guess weather or not you should split them up depends on the unidentified fish.

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