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At it again!


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The Kribs are at it again, hopeing lucky number 3. Moms lost the big purple belly and both are being protective of a new cave. the 2.5 inch rose terra cotta. Now i wonder, should i postpone the water change? Last time i did the eggs failed or something. and should i up the temp? its at 24C.

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The Kribs are at it again, hopeing lucky number 3. Moms lost the big purple belly and both are being protective of a new cave. the 2.5 inch rose terra cotta. Now i wonder, should i postpone the water change? Last time i did the eggs failed or something. and should i up the temp? its at 24C.

Hm, I've never had a water change affect mine at all. My biggest problem is trying to slow down their breeding :) Anyhow, it usually takes 3-5 days that I've noticed to see the fry start swimming after the eggs a laid (again a guesstimate as they hide their nest well). As for the temperature that's what mine is at so should be fine.

luck to ya, they are a very fun breed to watch raise their young.


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perhaps go ahead and do your water change if the tank needs it or if delaying it will cause your water parameters to be not so great. but try putting the gravel vac down (to syphon water out) into the farthest side of the tank from where the kribs are protecting their cave and don't do a gravel vac and disturb the tank as little as possible during the change. maybe do a bit smaller percentage of a change than you normally would? you might have to refill using a container that you can gently pour the water back into the tank with, and run the new water down the inside of the tank wall so that the splash is nearly nothing.

reducing the stress of the parents is key, you don't want them eating eggs or wrigglers.

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ok, i'll try they dumping new water in with a smaller container. they aren't due for a change till wednesday i think.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well attempts number 3 and 4 have come and gone. This is becoming very frustrating. Each water change i have done i have been gentle with. I don't understand whats not happening. I never had such trobles with mbumas!

On a side note, I've been having some what of a fuzzy algae bloom happening, its slowly taking over gravel that doesn't get syphoned because its close to plants and on the plants and starting on cave and glass. The pleco isn't touching it. Was considering getting some Ottos or maybe some A.Splendids if i can find them.

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