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site upgrades ideas

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ok well iv been reading a couple of topics on were ppl are wanting to get this site on a .com type base. and i know that it isnt cheap to do and that could be y the admins have not done so yet. so heres what iv been thinking of so far.

-toris suggested to rahim that we build a few dozen egg tumblers instead of orderign them for 15$ a piece. i figure if we make like 30 of them and sell them off then that will give us good start on paying a couple months fees for a normal site. and we can also do D-I-Y for many things and sell them for $$ for site money and i think all that help out should be rewarded in sum way.

-i know many of us breed fish and other animals alike. i propose we do a fund raiser for this site. sumthing like donate your fish fry and put them to auction at the next meeting. this should raise sum good cash. i also plan to start a big breeding project in the next 4 months on reptiles. i am starting on leo geckos, tree frogs and a small lizard spieces such as anoles or grass lizards. i would most likly sell them off at TARAS shows and other places and be willing to donate a certain percentage to the foundation

- we could also make a raffle draw on this site. we could put sum of our fish and such for raffle on this site and make all procceeds goto the site foundation. has any one been to http://www.winnipegfishforum.info/ ??? it is a winnipeg forum just like this except it has co-operation from a petland. i am sure we can get a LFS to sponer us in sum way.

-also we can add a pay-pal donations link to the site and get a couple of ppl that already are on this site to donate if they want to see this site become a bigger, badder and if its possible(doubt it) better.

-we should have a reconition event to reconise all the fish fanatics in calgary(or any other place in alberta) and make it like a dinner type thing??

i hope the admins see this and see theres a way to make money and ugrade the site

sorry i wrote so much but its just my thoughts

Edited by fish_man
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