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Hey Buddy ,

Sounds like my story. I learn the a lot from Fish stor and from net any problem you have go and Google it.

Some sites I got and likt it is there.


Click on ant link in there on sdes this whole page is full of info.

Sounds like you need lots of chemecals in your tank talk to Fish store sales guys and older guy would be better when you buy all those items they will give you all info.

Best way to do is make a spare tank, it with fresh water and leave air buble in there and leave it for 24- 48 hours and then you can use the water for 25 % or 50 % change because Clorine will be out of there.

For new tank before you put any fish in there add water conditioner and some other chamecals in there.

Put some plants in there BUT make sure that no Small snail in there.

They can populate like any thing and block you filter and fish can be dead with in 24 hours I heard those stories.

Make sure you use the Heater and maintain the tempreture acording to fish chart.

You can Email me I will help you out as much as I can.

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talking to the sales clerks at fish stores is useless, IMO. they are only trying to make a sale. there are no chemicals necessary other than dechlorinator if you have a simple tank with fish that are easy to care for, such as the OP's listed fish.

new tanks with fish in them right away require daily water testing for ammonia and nitrite. i highly suggest you pick up an API Freshwater Master Kit. after testing, if you are showing any readings for ammonia and/or nitrite, you will need to do large volume water changes to make these levels go back down to zero or as close to zero as possible.

new water does not have to be aged in another tank. use Prime, by SeaChem (best dechlorinator out there) in all your new water and it is safe to put in the tank right away.

pest snails on plants are not an issue if you don't overfeed your tank and manually remove any that you see. unless your filter is really really small they will not block it. and if you are conscious and not asleep at the wheel you should be able to notice any small differences in your filter before anything major happens (blockage, etc).

goldfish (feeders too) and minnows don't require a heated tank, they are a coldwater/temperate species. most crayfish don't need it either, and if your crays are wild caught from local waters then they definitely don't need a heater.

on that note regarding heat, your gouramis and chinese algae eaters do require a heated tank, in the 76 to 80 degree F range. (about 26 Celcius)

i would highly suggest moving your gouramis and algae eaters to their own tank with a heater. a 30 gallon would work for now. you'll want a 100 watt heater.

Edited by BettaFishMommy
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