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Benitochromis Conjunctus Help


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Out of my group of 5 I am seeing a fairly large size difference, even with my best efforts to make sure everyone gets enough food to grow up.

3 of the 5 (the larger ones) seemed to have staked a claim to a cave of their own, 2 are in close vicinity to one another. I suspect 1 is M, the other is F, but I don't know, and sexing information is nill. The remaining fish is in its own isolated cave in a corner (near my recently paired and spawning Kribs).

The remaining 2 (the smaller ones) do not have their own cave, the others (and the kribs) won't let them. So they hang out with the Tetras and other rejected male Kribs, in the upper-mid areas of the tank.

With the limited amount of Information I have been able to find, I have no idea if the difference is sex related, or not, but I suspect they are still being out competed. My apartment ( and husband) limit the amount (and/or number) of tanks I have, so I don't have the room for all of them to live comfortably. I would like to share the experience of keeping these rare fish with someone else. For free, since they where given to me for free.

If you are more experienced with breeding (especially with other Benitochromis spp, or African River Cichilds) I would be willing to re-home the 2 larger ones, that seem comfortable in sharing their space with one another. I hope that they would have a better eye in telling who's male or female, or just a better understanding of their behavior in general, as they act quite differently from other mouth-brooders I have kept in the past.

Or if you are an experienced keeper, and African River Cichlids are new to you, and/or you have space to fill, I will share the smaller 2. I hope that they will be able to regain their growth and start looking like their larger counterparts. I hope then we will start to understand them more, and be able to more accurately predict their sexes in hopes of successful pairs.

Since there are 5, I understand their maybe at least 1 oddball. If no pairs can be made..... I might have to try and contract the people at where I got them from. Something I will look into anyways, in case I can trade for (hopefully) better matches.

Also, if you know anything about these fish, or the conditions they prefer for breeding, let me know, Please!

Currently, I have no pictures, sorry.

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