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Forum Upgrade


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Beginning at 1 am, Thursday February 9, 2006 the site will be down for several hours as I complete the anticipated site upgrade from our current software version of 1.3.1 to the fancy-pants 2.1.4.

New features will mostly be noticed in the Gallery, a complete image-management system for the members. As well, our fledgling Knowledge Base will be opened and all members are invited to submit an article for inclusion to help build the information available to hobbyists. In addition, the site will be more secure, faster to load and have a few other treats and surprises...

Sorry about the short notice, but I want to have the upgrade done and any bugs worked out before the weekend, a typically busy time for us.

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Well... it's a quarter of four in the morning, and this is 'done' for the night. Yes, it doesn't LOOK like 'our board' but it will... and I'll fix those damn smilies tomorrow, too... but let me get some sleep, ok? I ended up getting hit with a massive cold today and I'm beat.

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