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jack dempsey wierd behavior


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are they fighting or is this courtship looks like there locked(biting looks like kissing) and swimming around like this, pretty sure there m/f one is light with slight pink on the rear the other one is very dark to almost all black

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thats normal for cichlids, they are testing out thier strength by locking jaws and pushing/pulling

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Yeah it could be one of 2 things, mating behaviour (if there is also tail slapping and sort of quivering), or it could be the establishment of a pecking order. Many fish are happier if they know their place in the order of things, even if they're not on top, they're just establishing who is Achilles, and who is Hector ;-)


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also color really isnt the best way to sex a jack. males will have more spangling but if you really want to know look at the gill plate. females will have more of an iridecent splotch on their gill plate while males will have a bunch of spangles.

jaw locking is generaly not mating behaviour though it can lead to it most neotropicals like it rough :w00t: . tail slapping is also seen in fighting, one fish (usualy the one being chased) will suddenly turn sideways and starts flapping making it less easy to bite (like the difference between biting a pizza (the tail) and a wiggly wall (the fish's side)) however it kinda steps into a grey area as the tail slapping is also breeding behaviour.

if you indeed have a male and a female this may be the start of the breeding procecss, they like to do that (jaw locking) to establish dominence and therefore tell who will "take controle" in the breeding process :w00t:

Edited by lax_champ
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I just put all 3 of my JD's in my big tank (300gal) that were housed in separate tanks. Within a day, 2 of them were jawlocking and fighting but completely leaving the other one (smaller one) alone. I took out the one that I could catch and it went to BA's. The one left behind had not bothered the "smaller" one at all. They seem to get along very well. They even swim together. My conclusion is that I had 2 males fighting and one female. Seems a 300 gal tank is still not big enough for 2 males to share.

Maybe I'll have a spawn some day if I do have a male and female left.

Just concerned about the other fish in my tank. Where would they go if the JD's started spawning? :)

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