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Everything posted by Jennifer9821

  1. I am sure it could be possible but I have never seen it. I think the chances of that are very slim if you kept females from both sp. together. that way the males have there own to go after and won;t take interested in the other sp.
  2. mine have NEVER crossed bred with aul. sp. I have keep them together for years and the male e. blue has no interest in the peacocks nor do they the peacocks have intrest in the e. blues. never heard of those to sp. cross breeding there from two totally different familys. One is a peacock and the other is a hap family Jenn
  3. And here is my (well use to be mine lol) 2.5in electric blue male
  4. even at this size the azereus still has those spots see whcih is another reason I believe these guys are Sci. E. Blues
  5. yes that is what my little guys look like RD. I'll post a picture of my dom. 2.5in male I loved him. (Sold him)
  6. NO mine don't have spots on them. But I know that if they where the Azereuz they'd still have two dark black spots those spots don't go away they only fade if the male is in full color. AND azereuz don't have slim bodys like these juvs do. Azereuz nose is short not elongated and there mouths are (lips) are smaller. E. Blues have large mouths lol. Here are some pics of the C. Azereuz below
  7. those deffenatly look like Scianochromis Fryieri Electric blue. I breed these guys and that is what my juvs look like. Jenn
  8. Tom I am soooo sorry I didn't call I forgot everyone's number at home. It was kinda a fast decision on weather I was coming there or not I left here very early in the morning like 6:30am. I promise to call you when I am up there next. Hey good thing i didn't sell you that red empress he got a secondary infection I think died about a week or so after I was at your house. Poor guy, At least I've got some of his fry that are about 2-2.5in now. I have one male already starting to color looks like he's going to be super nice. How those little yellows I sold ya doing? Jenn
  9. Hi Albert Yeah that nice male you guys got up in the show tank. I really tried to get him to sell it to me, but no way would he part with it :grr: Nice and very beautiful fish. When I was at kyle's I watched his wild cought ones he has 2 or 3 males in one 75gal tank and they accually don't seem all that aggressive towards eachother let alone the rest of the fish. These little ones are pretty mellow too at this point so we'll see what happens. But yeah if and when they breed for me I'll bring you guys at golds some up should be a good seller for you guys:) Jenn
  10. Thanks RD I love the look of that rock just wish I was heading for the mountains my dad lives in Cranbrook and so the rocky mountains are on the way, lots of loose rock on the sides of the road I bet that is the same kind of rock that is in that pic. Dame wish I wouldn've tought to get that stuff before I was just down that way not to long ago when the ground was clear, am sure I could find some as there is lots in a particular spot on the way there. Just a matter of the snow melting and when I can go there.
  11. no yellow labs ready yet as far as I understand. I'll let you know when these guys are holding hopefully soon!
  12. Anyone interested in any of the F2 polit when they breed? just noticed the little male dancing around the females WOW there like only maybe 2in and just put into this aquarium I can't believe it. I'll be selling them for $6-$8ea depending on size. Let me know through Pm Jenn
  13. Just got my F1 Polit trio from Kyle (African_fever) last night 1males 2femals :thumbs: The little male is just starting to color, can't wait till he is full color. Also got a F1 female Acei from him to add to my family of 6 Acei this'll be great as she's new blood for sure Plus I took a trio of his F1 Mel. cyaneorhabdos very nice color on these little ones there only about 1in long if that god there beauts:) Can't wait for them to grow hopefully got 1 male 2 female if not kyle told me he'd trade me:) nice guy have known and bought fish from him for the past 5years. Bought are first Electric blue from him five years ago and it was one of the best blues we've had. Also got a nice looking sex? brevis and a HUGE male Occlatus A trio of Lab. Mbamba bay red tops 1m 2f I'll post some pictures when i can:) Jenn
  14. Hey Chris any progess on breeding these guys? Again how far from the Hat are you and do you ever come this way? Jenn
  15. Chris in this picture what type of rock is that, and how much in wieght do you have in that tank, and where did you get it and how much did it cost you? I am looking to stock my new 108gal that's coming in 2 weeks :smokey: Thanks Jenn
  16. I think there should be a chat forum so people can talk to one another when there on. That way we could all get to know each other better. I noticed that some of the other boards have this and seems to work well. Just a thought I think should be considered. Jenn
  17. Hey I wish I had a picture of the fish I had, it was a sunfish beautiful fish stunning! He was a different kind then yours, it was the ones that have gold yellow bodies with a red and black nobby thing on the gills. I let him go back into the lake I got him from. I enjoyed him well I had him and was happy to see him go free. Jenn
  18. Hey Ty Those Red shoulders look great. Hey the next time I am in calgary I'll take one of those male Mbuna off of you. I think there really pretty. Nice pictures by the way and there not crappy:) Jenn
  19. Just wondering but did you get it from Animal World? I didn't think you could breed rays in captivity, is it hard to get them to breed and how do you tell male and female apart? Cool ray though? Wish I had the room to have one but I don't. Jennifer
  20. Oh Rick that counting to 10 thing is from another topic inside joke if you didn't read that thread you wouldn't understand that lol. You didn't make him count to ten. Chris that's funny :rofl: I had to count to ten a few times on here lately lol. And Same thing it had to work lol I have never bred Betta's Never new how just love the colorful fish they are. So pretty to look at. Jenn
  21. No hard feelings Neil And thanks for saying there nice looking. Jenn
  22. Well I am not going to nail you lol. I like the fish I have I am not going to start any war here. So whatever you all want to say. I won't be breeding these guys as I am sure none of you will by them so I'll will just stick to breeding my OTHER yellow labs that do have the black line in the dorsal fin they are the guys I posted pictures of before full grown and gorgous. There really nice strain and have Great color. As for these ones I guess there just going to be show fishes. Pretty ones Thanks for all your guys imputs and thoughts.
  23. Well then.... I could always grow'em up and eat him lol. JK. I'll keep him until he gets big them I will bring him to the LFS they have a 700gal they can put him into with some large catsfish and pacu, oscars and someother really big guys. Well Tyler we now all know what he is lol. A little soon to be BIG pretty fish. lol. Jenn
  24. RD I love these fish and they do not look even remotely crossed. The females do have a VERY faint black strip in the dorsal fin you can't see it very well in these pictures. As nor can you see it with out looking hard enough at them. I know you very good with Labs and know lots but your always so quick to try and put someones else fish down when in fact it's really nice. I am sorry if this comes arcoss as rude I don't mean for it to be. I happen to have a very good Idea who these came from and NO the weren't crossed if so. I didn't buy them from a petland or any other store of that kind. I bought these guys from someone reputable and someone I trust every well. Thanks for your imput. But the next time you want to say my fish are poor please if you haven't already heard the saying if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all then I just told you Funny I already knew you'd be the first to reply with something like that to say. And in your QUOTE from AD Konings I seem to read if my eyes are correct that this can be so with line breeding. DEAN thanks so much for your compliments and sticking up for my NICE electric yellows. Jenn PS I don't want to start a war so if you guys want to have it out go ahead but I'm out of it now.
  25. Oh Great. Well he's fine for now got him in the 260gal. I bet he'll grow fast in that. Well as soon as he starts getting to big or starts getting to aggressive (has be very peaceful so far) he's a goner. I will sell him to the pet store here in town. They'll love him as they like these big fish. Thanks guys for all your help. Jenn
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