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Posts posted by Shayesmommy

  1. still paying 350 for a fountain, and then mooching for fish tanks and birds and who knows whatever else,

    and shes can't afford to pay for a 50 fish tank, even with selling that stupid fountain, for her son, but willing to buy a game for herself.

    Even if it is somewhat true, people like that still make me sick.

    Id like to see what happens, goodluck

  2. good.

    i actually had some lady message me on all my stuff i had for sale on there

    told me she didn't have a job and couldn't get one, and she was due in 8.5 months and she wanted me to give her all my stuff for free. Stuff i was asking more then 30 dollars for,

    First impression i got was she wanted to get whatever she could and resell it.

    But i thought if you had severe special needs child the government supplements you big time for it.

    I knew this family and they got lots and lots, anything to do with the child (childcare, anything the child pretty much needs) They would give something for the stuff.

  3. View posters other ad's.

    If they are so poor and troubled she wouldn't be admitting to spending 350 dollars on fountain?

    Then asking for anything they can get for free?

    personally if i had a special needs child and they loved fish and it was therapeutic i wouldn't spend 350 dollars on a fountain and spend the 50-100 dollars on a fish tank for my child.

  4. i agree with Jorg, i have use NLS for about 1.5-2 years and i have never had a problem with discoloration of my water.

    And my babies don't have a problem growing on the "growth formula", and as for color of the fish, i think my fish are showing very nice color.

  5. Just the four you see.

    I am going to start them on bbs today or tomorrow.

    Then when they stop feeding off the parents im going to move them,

    They laid eggs again just 4 days ago, but they disappeared after they turned into wigglers.

    For some reason there is a extremely low hatch rate and i don't know why.

    but i am just happy the parents are raising the young anyways.

  6. Do you mean hydra?

    The only thing dangerous about it is it does kill babies, which i would assume means shrimp too.

    I have some in my 60 piranah/cherry shrimp, planted tank, had a couple shrimp holding eggs.

    Still haven't seen any babies, but all my shrimp took shelter in my filter. Will have to check.

    If there is only one try removing it,

    but i would look under plants, on leafs, because where there is one there are more , in my experiance

    I also had some in my gold shellie tank on a shell , i just removed the whole shell and haven't seen it come back.

  7. Discus babies, The parents have laid eggs again with all the 5 day free swimming babies in there...

    Hard to get , the babies are so fast and are constantly moving.






    My multi babies all grown up-


    And my orntapinnis-

    Mom and there is a one little baby beside the bottom of the heater if you look closely.

    My camera just kept focusing on mom, so baby would come out a blur.



  8. Ok, i woke up this morning and checked and came to the conclusion they were gone.

    They werent on their usual spot, the back wall with lots of algea eating.

    But dad came to have a visit and there all the babies were attached to him, finaly, they only were hanging out on the wall.

    Will try to get pictures of it today.

    This tank has gravel on the bottom, normal dark stuff in the tank, lots and lots of algea.

    And needs a water change. It isn't like all the other discus breeding tanks you see.

    So i am very very shocked to see the babies still there everytime i look.

  9. Yup good job terrie lee.

    I think there is a total of four of five. but not completely sure on one.

    And two are a little blurry. was just trying to get dads face with the one.

    they didn't turn out the way i wanted them to. Sorry

    heres a close up and one with the babies circled. for easier finding



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