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Slough Shark

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Everything posted by Slough Shark

  1. Thanks guys, thats not too bad at all, could I keep both Praecox and Threadfin together? I was also considering Killifish, could I keep more or less of them in my tank? Wich species is most common to find in LFS? Are they more common that Neon and Threadfin Rainbowfish? BTW either of these scenarios would be a Biotope, so for the Killifish idea, could I keep at least one African Butterfly Fish, what other fairly small fish are from the west african area? If I was to keep the Killies, could I keep these three species together: Gardneri, Blue Gularis, and Pnachax? For the Rainbowfish scenario, what small fishes could I put in with them, could I even have both species in the tank? I'm going for the Australian/Indonesian variety of rainbowfish- not the Madagascan ones.
  2. I have my 25 Gallon tank and was planning on doing an Amazonian Biotope in it. But I saw some Boesmani Rainbowfish at AquaGiant and fell in love with them instantly. I did some quick research found out their heritage and what have you. I also found that they should be kept in a 30 Gal tank, would my 25 Gallon tank suffice? If not, could I keep Praecox Rainbowfish instead? I saw them on the page too, are they common? If anyone has kept either of these fish, or even has done a bit of research, I would really appreciate your input. These fish are great and I'd really love to keep them!
  3. Well since my Betta is so slow-moving, he was extremely easy to photograph. I caught him quite a few times sitting idle at the water line. Here are the pics I got! BTW (if you didn't figure it out yet) I LOVE freshwater photography!!!!! Here we can see him heading up to the surface for one of his 3 meals a day! I want him to grow quickly (but I think he may have reached his limit :rofl: ) Not much to say here, just another pic! IMO this is the best one, and could you have guessed I was saving it for last?!?!?!? There they are, hopefully I'm getting better, I read some articles and I think these are better than my last batch. I think maybe I should clean the glass, that must be why they're a bit blurred up! C&C welcome!
  4. What kind of fish are these guys, I keep seeing ones like them in posts thinking I gotta have them. They are gorgeous, are they Tanganyikan or Malawi? I'd like to set up a 10 Gal with some shelldwellers in it! :thumbs:
  5. Nice :thumbs: Was that last one an Albino? Sorry cichlids aren't my area, neither is SW! But I know my native fish pretty well!!!
  6. If I knew how to type a whistle, I would because those fish are nice!!! I really like the albino! :thumbs: EDIT: The first albino
  7. Thanks for the replies! It was $30 for my Gravel (25 Lbs) just like spcy said. Ya, I figured the loach would like the sand much better, I've read multiple accounts of them burying their whole bodies in sand with only their little heads sticking out. Mine has been swimming up the current of the fluval filter back and forth, he's such a character!!!! Oh and BTW I detest all that corny/tacky bubble chest crap, even those little alligator heads, it disgusts me, who wants that in an aquarium besides little kids? It ruins the look completely unless its a pathetic stereotypical 10 Gal goldfish tank with fake "Nemos" and "Dorys" in it!!!!! -roll- I may be going out stand hunting tommorow when my Dad gets back from work (Can't wait till I can drive!!!) and then I can set up the 25 Gal, and get it all ready for the fish to enter. I think I'll use the Koi as bait There may be more pics up tommorow, we'll see! Thanks again folks!
  8. If I could have one of these, I would be king of the universe!!!! They had one of these beauties at AquaGiant, OMFG I want!!!
  9. Here are some more pics of my tank, I think this will be the beginning of my journal (for my Asian Biotope) a sort of a prequel or prelude to my documentary of the actual Biotope setup. This will be my first biotope, and my first stab at some serious fish-keeping. So here are some pics of my tank after I purchased a black background and put it on. I will be reading some articles on aquatic photography, so hopefully my photos will get progressively better as I take pics. Here we go! Heres a full shot of the tank with the new black background, looking good! Heres my best pic of my Pleco yet My loach, who will be the centerpiece of the Biotope Ugh I hate my Gravel, its so unnatural Here we have the beats of my tank HARVEY! This is my choice of the substrate for the asian biotope, bought at AquaGiant a great place! And heres a look at some more of that luscius driftwood that I found Once I start taking pics I just never want to stop! -roll- Ah well, I'm getting better! So there it is, the begginning to my Documentary, I hope you folks enjoy watching my tank evolve and unfold as much as I do!
  10. Thanks alot guys, the tank is just about ready for the Biotope setup, I'm just waiting on getting a stand for the other aquarium (the 25) so that I can fill her up, let it sit for about a week I think, and then put my fish in. Once the fish are in the other aquarium, I can start setting up the layout of the Asian Biotope! I'm starting a Journal in this section of the Board.
  11. Excellent, thanks guys, the stand that I had my tank on would have buckled if I let the tank rest upon it for a few more weeks, so it's good we moved it when we did. I'll be going to "Paradise Pets" or something like that in St. Albert to get some new gravel, probably my stock for the Asian Biotope, and maybe get rid of the fish I have now. Sunny days to come!!!! Thanks again for all your help, I'll be posting pics very soon, gotta hone my Aquatic Photography skills!!!! -roll-
  12. Its not the Pleco whos doing it, I'm sure, Ive moved the fish downstairs to my new room today, a really rough move for the fish. I'll be getting new gravel tommorow and getting rid of most of the fish. It makes me sad
  13. Yep I was just waiting till the new fish get in the tank to choose a background, will probably go with just a plain black background. Thanks for the reply!
  14. Anyone who has been following any of my threads on my new tank plans knows that I have a tank that is stocked... poorly. Since the purchase (some up to 6 years ago) of these fish, I have been educated and enlightened. Many of the fish will be traded in soon. So here are my pics enjoy! BTW I still am learning about aquarium photography, so the quality isn't great persei. My tank (quite overcrowded) before the purchase of cories and Silver Dollars. My Common Goldfish affectionately named Harvey back when a was a wee lad (notice thescales coming off due to stress *slaps himself in the forehead* ) Got rid of the Fancy Goldfish here, also got rid of the larger ornament to make a bit more space, and added a pair of silver dollars (unfortunately) A terrible pic of the two silver dollars, quick buggers, tough to get a pic of. Another terrible pic of my favorite fish There they are, I hope my bad photography doesn't offend you or your morals :P
  15. Thats intense, man that fish is gorgeous!!! I envy you :ph43r:
  16. So, if possible: Southeast Asian Blackwater Pool Biotope (20 Gal): 1 Weather Loach 5 Glass Catfish 3 Kuhli Loaches 3 Ornate Sand Loaches (If Purchasable (would replace the kuhlis)) Amazonian Biotope (25 Gal): 2 Bolivian Rams 6 Marble Hatchets or 5 Darter Tetras 4 Bronze Corydoras 2 Albino Corydoras
  17. I have finally decided to get rid of the silver dollars, I knew they would get too big for my tanks, and still, I bought them. I will trade the silvers, my Goldfish and Koi, and my Common Pleco in for glass cats, silver hatchets, Kuhlis and cories. Could I replace the 2 silvers for a pair of bolivian rams? Or would that be a little too much? I would like to stick with the hatchets, and definitely the cories. Alright, I'm gonna replan it all Except for the asian biotope, any objections?
  18. Hmmmm, well I certainly don't have the space for any larger tanks, at least I don't think I do. How much wider are they, height is not an issue. Man this really does suck!!! I want to focus on what I can do with what I have, the time is over for getting new tanks. Please, could I get some advice on what to do with the tanks I have? I would like to adhere to the plans I have already: For the Amazonian Biotope (25 Gal): - Should I downsize the number of hatchets? Replace them with tetras of some kind? - I know about five is basically the minimum number for cories if you want to see them as lively as possible and thriving For The Asian Biotope (20 Gal): -I think I'll ditch the tiger barbs and I'll just go with the Glass Cats and add a Few Kuhlis with my Weather Loach Any suggestions? I'll display the whole list inn the next post. Commune (Nature Tank- 30 Gal): 2 (pair) Bolivian rams 3 Zebra Otocinclus 5 Takashi Amano Shrimp 5 Glass Cats 1 Siamese Algae Eater 1 Weather Loach 3 Betta Splendens (1 male, 2 females) Or Southeast Asian Blackwater Pool Biotope (30 Gal): 1 Weather Loach 5 Glass Catfish 5 Green Tiger Barbs 2 Dwarf Gourami (Male and Female) 3 Ornate Sand Loaches (If Purchasable) Sis’s Tank (10Gal): 1 Male Dwarf Gourami 4 Black Neon Tetras 3 Takashi Amano Shrimp Amazonian Whitewater Biotope (29 Gal): 2 Silver Dollars 6 Marthae Silver Hatchet 4 Bronze Corydoras 2 Albino Corydoras 10 Gallon Puffer Tank: 3 Malabar Puffers 4 Takashi Amano Shrimps Any Edits?
  19. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! :cry: Well, since I hate being pessimistic, what can I do? The silver dollars are still small and are in my "20", I would really hate to be getting rid of them, both the aquariums will be filtered with AquaClear 70s (one of them maybe with a Whisper 60) so filtering will be no issue at all. I haven't a clue what to do about the Asian Biotope, the amazonian biotope will definitely be in the larger of the two tanks. Gotta plan and research, maybe all over again. I'm at a loss here guys, I really need your help now.
  20. Well, ok, heres the deal, the tank doesn't look small enough to be only 30 Gal, my 29 Gal is quite a bit shorter than it, and I find it hard to believe that the difference is only 1 Gal. Here are the measurements, cause although I do good in math, I don't remember the formula: Height= 20.5" Width= 24" or 2' Depth= 12" or 1' Theres the mes, and I hope someone knows how to calculate the volume. Thanks Toirtis
  21. I am troubled with making a very difficult decisions, the nature tank that I had posted about earlier may be turned into a biotope instead (the amazon biotope and puffer tank are all planned out) but I need some opinions. Here are the two plans: Commune (Nature Tank- 30 Gal): 2 (pair) Bolivian rams 3 Zebra Otocinclus 5 Takashi Amano Shrimp 5 Glass Cats 1 Siamese Algae Eater 1 Weather Loach 3 Betta Splendens (1 male, 2 females) Or Southeast Asian Blackwater Pool Biotope (30 Gal): Weather Loach 5 Glass Catfish 5 Green Tiger Barbs 2 Dwarf Gourami (Male and Female) Now I was seriously thinking of going with the Asian Biotope simply because the planted tank seemed a bit cramped and I didn't really want to lose any fish that are part of the plan. I do own a weather loach who is quite the character and I would really hate to part with him. It was a lamentable circumstance until I got the idea of making another biotope. Since I really like the idea of having an aquarium existing as natural as possible, I am leaning towards the biotope scenario. Now I need some experienced opinions here, not just some goofballs (like me) that figure they know plenty about a fish just from research, experience is master here. Will the tiger barbs nip like crazy, or is it a plausible plan? Is that too few/too many glass cats? Will the gourami be too aggressive? Opinions and thoughts people!!! Quick too, it's almost setup time, the has been painted!!!! And I :bow: to my stepmom for doing it for me. Oh and BTW, the exact area I was hoping for was Thailand cause I researched and found that all these species hail from there. Except for the Dwarf Gourami, I found that they are from india, anyone know of a Common Gourami that is from thailand/indonesia area?
  22. Thought it would be a nice idea to steal my idea huh punk?!?!?!!? LOL jk jk, I would have to go with the puffers, it was my idea to begin with, so obviously I'm going to be in favour of it.
  23. Yes that is a good book, I own Fish of Alberta by Lone Pine Publishing just out of edmonton
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