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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by homerrca

  1. homerrca


    Hello and welcome to the site. It's always nice to meet another fish love. :welcome:
  2. homerrca


    Hey thanks everyone
  3. homerrca


    Hi Everyone My name is Mike and I am currently living in Calgary Alberta. I am new to the world of fish and currently I have a 10Gal tank (Just had our little school of fish die in that one but we found out the water filter was not working properly (defective) and lost our platys and tetra's), one 30 Gal Tank with some mollies, various tetra's (will get the specific kinds once I talk to the wife0 and we have a 2 Gal Tank with our little Beta. I am hoping to learn how to keep fish alive and also to be able to talk to other fish lovers in a more involved way. Currently I am a "Cave Man status" with fish "Ooo Pretty Fish" I hope to move up to the "Bronze age Status" with fish "Ooo Pretty Tetra fish" Cave Man Mike
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