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  1. Hi Colby. I haven't seen one of the "eely" things for over a week now. My live rock is Fiji that was bought from Red Coral. They had moved so quickly that all I could make out was the white. Good News/Bad News -After much more investigating/research I found out that the "spots" on my Naso Tang are normal. Whew! -Unfortunately he would only eat the algae off of my glass (even with garlic additives he wouldn't touch anything else including Formula 2, Spirulina, brine shrimp, red algae strips, plankton, lettuce, broccoli, etc.) and died yesterday. bummer. I really liked him and hope that I can find another one soon. I'll be slightly more proactive this time, though, and make sure that he is eating well before purchasing. I found them hard to find and when I did I guess the shock of finding one made me forget to do my homework and due diligence.
  2. Hello All. I have had my live Fiji rock in my tank now for almost two months. I have slowly introduced some livestock and corals (it will never end). I noticed today that there are 5 to 6 small (1/4") white tubelike creatures rapidly swimming in my tank. They move so fast that I can't really get a good look at them for identification. I would have assumed that any hitchhikers would have shown up before now. Am I to be concerned with this? Parasites of some sort? Please advise if you have any ideas or suggestions. Also my Naso Tang has four very small white markings on his snout (yeah, I know, I know I'm not really technical yet in my descriptions) between his eyes. They are known for somewhat blotchy appearances at times but I want to catch any problems early. I (knock on wood) haven't had the displeasure of dealing with ich yet. The uniformity of these spots leads me to believe that this is normal, however it's best to ask around. Anyone have the same markings on their Naso's? They have a pattern like the following: . . . . right between the eyes. These spots don't appear to be cottony or fuzzy as of yet. Once he stays still long enough for me to snap a few pics I'll post them. Thanks, BigMac
  3. Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'm from Calgary. I'll post some pictures within the next few days. BigMac
  4. Hello to all fellow fish/reef fanatics! I dabble in freshwater with my daughter's tank (her tank but I get to do all the work), however my real love is saltwater. I built my own 90 gallon tank from scratch using 12mm Starphire (Ultra clear) glass. I used to work for a glass manufacturer and boy am I kicking myself for leaving now. Employee pricing on glass was the way to go for sure. I've been planning this for years and finally my system is up and running (only three months now). I have really taken all of the advice from different forums, added a few of my own ideas and presto - a fully functioning ocean paradise. I swear I could watch my tank for hours on end. My wife is already calling herself the "fish widow". I'm sure you have all heard that one before. But - guess what - I don't care! This is my only hobby and boy did I pick a doozie. So far I have 100 lbs of live rock, 6 yellow tailed damsels, 1 Naso tang (my centrepiece), 1 yellow tang, 2 clowns (for the kids you know), 1 cleaner wrasse, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 blue star and 1 green brittle star. I know, I know the brittle star may become aggressive/predatory toward my fish in the future but he's so freakin cool to watch. By the way, I added each of the above mentioned items slowly and one by one over the last few months. I also have a few yellow and green polyps, an orange sponge, and two others that I forget the names right now. I'll post some pictures of this setup and the unknown corals another day. Thanks for listening to my rant. BigMac
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