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Grande Prairie Member
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Posts posted by Guppygirl

  1. If the tank is planted, I would let her out of the breeding trap. Some females will prolong or abort if they are stressed. Those breeding traps do not have the best water circulation in them. If you want fry to survive, get a handful of java moss and watch your guppy population increase. Hope this helps.

  2. My kribs just had fry in the planted community tank, and are fairly good parents it seems(first timers). They are very skittish and dart off whenever disturbed. So I was wondering how should I go about cleaning the tank. I noticed today that there is quite abit of stuff on the substrate. I don't want to worry about fungus and other problems that can arise in fry from a dirty tank. But I fear that the gravel sucker will suck up the fry, or will totally freak out the parents and the fry could be lunch for the guppies. The tank is also fairly heavily planted with crypts and chain sword so don't want to disturb those either. Any help would be great. Thanks. Krib fry are so cute when they school around and under mom. :heart: :thumbs:

  3. On the weekend I bought some of those plants that come in those little plastic pots. I removed the pots and the rock wool, really carefully. They are crypts. Should I try to separate the individual plants? and plant them that way, or is it best to just plant the whole pot full in one spot. One pot is crypt parva and the others are crypt wendtii. I don't want them to melt if possible-thou they do have nice roots. Any ideas would be wonderful. Thanks :thumbs:

  4. You wrote that your water test levels for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate were 0. In a fully cycled tank there is usually some nitrates unless it is a heavy, heavy planted tank. If you are using the liquid test kit for nitrate you have to smack the #2 bottle long and hard on a hard surface to get the reagent in the bottle to mix properly. Once the bottle has been smacked follow the instructions and you may find that your nitrates are high. I have very little experience with shrimp-I have lost ghost shrimp and now have some green shrimp that seem to be holding there own. Others on this site have way more experience than me. Good luck :thumbs:

  5. Does it have its scales pineconing? Is it still eating? I know it is hard to tell but is it pooping? Does it look like it swallowed a marble-fat in the middle? It could be constipated, have dropsy, or be gravid(full of eggs). Hope it gets better. One other thing is it floating at the top like a balloon, have trouble staying up right? Sorry for all the Q's. Also a pic would help.

  6. I should have stayed home-would have saved money.LOL Love my twice yearly auctions. My brother and I drove down from G.P. at 3:30 AM so that I (we) could go to the sale. Roads were hell, but we made it. Got all the tetras I wanted, some kribs-some went super cheap, and some green shrimp-hope I can keep them alive. Have to read up on them. Also so many plants that I am not sure where they are going in my tanks. Many anubias, java fern, chain swords and vals, and some I have no idea about. I am guessing my java moss forests in most of my tanks are going to be nearly clear cut so I can plant these plants. Had a great time. Thanks to the auctioneers, runners and sellers. :bow: :thumbs: I may have to think about becoming a member so I can sell some of my excess aquatic critters and stuff.

  7. I have some riccia growing emerged from the water, on a diy filter return. I noticed today, when I was doing filter maintenance that it has grown some thin stalks with a leaf like thing on the end, not like the riccia itself. I have read on the net that riccia doesn't bloom, but can send out spores(?). Does anyone have any idea what they are? The stalks are a red color. If I can find my camera I will try to post a pic.

  8. I was shocked and saddened to lose 6 cories and one large beautiful female bolivian ram to a semi-mystery tank crash. The cories I believe were not getting the amount of food they needed, the weaker cories just stopped swimming- This is my fault I am always worried about overfeeding that I did the exact opposite and my cories payed the price-Lesson learned. :blush: My bolivian rams is the real mystery- she was very nice and I was gutted :( :cry: :cry: to see her lifeless eyes when I was going to turn off the tank light. Why she died is unknown-no wounds, spots, bloating, gasping for air, swimming oddly. Nothing-she was just dead she was swimming fine at 8pm and dead by 11pm. I am really worried about my other bolivian ram as she is acting slightly strange but then again she was the sub dominant ram in the tank and was always shy. I really hope she lives. I did a water change so wish me luck with my other fish in that tank. So RIP cories and ram you will be missed.

  9. Just to let everyone know http://www.petsandponds.com is having an xmas sale, starting today and I think going all week. It is a Canadian company which I like. Some fairly good prices, and shipping is not high, or free if you spend $200. They have Prime 2L jugs on sale as some of you use it for an example. Already sent in my order. Lots of salt water additives too. Everyone like to save money. :thumbs:

  10. We use water parameters as a gauge of how our tank cycle is doing, or how well it is keeping. A aquarium needs to cycle so that it is safe for fish or other living creatures. A fully cycled tank will have no ammonia, nitrite, and between 10-40 of nitrate. Nitrate being the final stage of the cycle. Once you start to see nitrate you know your cycle is done. Most people say that they like their nitrates to stay around 20, and if it gets higher they do a water change.

    There are two ways to cycle a tank, fishless and the other is to cycle a tank with fish in it. A fish in cycle can be stressful and can cause stress and problems for the cycling fish. To find out about both ways to cycle just google them, or try typing it into the search function on this site.

    Ph is not as important a reading as ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, as most fish can adapt to ph. Thou if your ph swings it can and will cause problems, stress and illness in fish. Also it really depends on the fish you want to keep. Tetras, rams and certain other fish like more acidic water-ph less than 7, while others such as cichlids prefer a ph more than 7 and closer to 8. Others prefer a neutral ph of around 7. You can keep tetras in water close to 7, they just may not breed. I have neons, and pristella tetras at a ph of around 7.4 thou I haven't tested lately and they are happy it seems, but not breeding. You can naturally lower ph by adding driftwood, almond leaves, peatmoss to your tank and filter. OR add crushed coral for cichlids to raise the ph. Don't use the ph up and down products as they can cause swings that stress your fish and you have to keep using them.

    Your best bet is to probably buy a API master test kit, it has all the main liquid tests -ammonia, nitrite and nitrate and I think Ph. Or you can buy each separately. Try not to buy the strips as I have heard they are inaccurate. Good luck with your fish. :thumbs:

  11. I have a group of rams in my tank- the dither fish are working, and they are more about. I also have some galaxy rasboras that I bought as fry at the auction and they are close to 3/4" from tip of nose to tail tip. They are right now in a plastic breeder in the same tank-can I let them go into the main tank? OR will my rams try to eat them? I don't want to lose any of the fry. Any help would be great. Thanks.

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