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Grande Prairie Member
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Posts posted by Guppygirl

  1. I just bought a used 29 gallon tank. After getting it home I noticed that is doesn't have much silicone in the corners of the tank. It also has a few tiny chips to the glass edge. It seems solid. My other 29 gallon has about a 1/4 inch worth of silicone on each side of the corner seam. Is the corner silicone important or is it more the silicone between the glass? This worries me as I don't want a leak or blow out. Can I add a bead of silicone and spread it? Will new silicone go with old silicone even thou there is little old silicone. Any help would be wonderful. Thank you :bow: :bow: :bow:

  2. Hi, I had this problem with two of my double fan-tailed goldfish. One fish shop told me to feed them cooked white rice, it seemed to work but it was difficult to make them eat it as mine would flip over and bob in the water like corks. Swim bladder problems are a genetic quirk as they have been so bred into so many, many shapes and sizes compared to a normal goldfish or even koi. I have noticed that if you fed them flakes they tend to gulp air at the surface to get to the flake, goldfish pellets that sink are better as they don't gulp air. Hope this helps. Maybe one of the other goldfish keepers will help too.

  3. Here is a story. Once upon a time there was a girl not really into fish- then one day she decided to try some fish a little not so pretty fathead minnow and her friends came to live with her. She needed a tank so she got a 6 gallon tank. Eventually the minnows went to their fishy heaven and in came the pretty guppies she had seen at her grandparents. She needed another tank so in came tank two. A 5 gallon-yes she went down in size not a bright move on her part as we all know bigger is better but she was a fish newby. Eventually as everyone has come to realize guppies breed like rabbits and in came tank 3 and 4 two tens. Now she wanted tetras and cories and guppies ow my. So in came 5 and 6 sized 15 and 20. So now she has many tanks but she has come to realize that tens no longer cut it so out they went and in came twenties. I know still not really big enough so she got a 30. Her brother said she should stop. But she has a fishy addiction. So she is always on the look out for fishy bargains be they supplies, fish or tanks. I know this story sounds familiar to many on this site. She only has a small addiction compared to most. As she only has 7 tanks. But to non fish people she is totally and utterly addicted. Eventually she might even smuggle in a 55 as her brother is always in the field. By that time it will be too late. LOL. :rofl:

  4. You said you recently removed your charcoal from your filter and changed it to plastic scrubbies. When you did this you removed a portion of your good bacteria. Depending on your amount of charcoal it could have been lots of bacteria in your filter. Your puffer tank filter was untouched so it can handle the 0.05 ammonia from your tap as the bacteria uses it. Your 38 gallon bacteria level is not there yet. Give it time, if you are super worried you can use something like Stability to boost your filter bacteria levels. Sounds like a mini cycle-keep testing. Good luck! Sorry don't know what the film is.

  5. RIP big Mama. I had to put down my large female peppered corydora tonight. So sad she for the last few days had not been able to swim upright. She would lay on her side not moving until I came and righted her. I believe she was egg bound she did have males with her but they were not into the act. She always looked like she swallowed a golf ball. At 3 1/2 to 4 inches she was one of the largest female corydoras I had seen. She was also old- I had her for 2 years and another AA member had her before me and I got her at full size. So now I am left with males-3 old men and 5 of her sons. So RIP big mama. :cry: :(

  6. This is just a caution for people who like to have more than one type of corydora in their tanks. I being one of them. They will interbreed-or mine did anyways. I have a colony of c.weitzmani and a colony of c.julli or c.trilineatus bought as julli but they look like the c.tril's. Looking at my tank tonight I have one young corydora that doesn't look like either group but a mix. I was very surprised. :shock: It looks like a tril with the weitmani spots. Very cute, :wub: but how a hybrid egg was laid,hatched and survived to 1"+ in a tank full of hungry adult corydoras and guppies-(lots and lots) of them survived will be one of my great tank mysteries. :unsure: Once it gets a little bigger it can have its own tank-I don't want to have it breed back. When I have time I will attempt to take a pic of it. May have to wait until I catch it to move it. It is very skittish.

  7. Sharp or very rough gravel can possibly erode corydora barbels, as they dig in the gravel. You don't want to use say something like copper slag-someone was thinking of using it for substrate in another post. Aquarium gravel sold in pet stores is usually fine for corydoras thou some is fairly rough. Sharp edged gravel should be avoided. All my corydora tanks have the rounded natural colored river gravel-bought it at Walmart. It works well and I like the natural look. Too much mulm in the gravel can cause problems for corydoras as they dig through it. How rough is your pea sized gravel? Size of gravel is not really a concern it is roughness and sharpness that is the concern. As to the number of corydoras in your tank the numbers are fine. I have 11 corydoras in my 29 gallon(6 julis, and 5 weitzmani) and they are breeding which makes me very happy. I also have 10 corys in my 20 gallon long(5 peppered corys and 5 bronze corys) they lay eggs just about every 3 weeks. I also have an unknown number of bronze corydoras in my other 20 gallon as they lay eggs so often I am unsure if any hatched and survived--lots of java moss in that tank-sort of wild. Some would say that my tanks were overstocked with corydoras but the cories seem to like groups-3 or more. Thou I did start with only a pair of weitzmani and they then had babies. As to corys and tankmates they are fine with guppies just about all my tanks have guppies in them with the corydoras. I don't know about angels maybe someone else has them together. Hope this helps.

  8. :welcome: Everyone here at one point or another has had newbie questions. Even after the newbie stage we still have questions it is a learning experience raising fish. Never a dull moment.

    I went to elementary school in Westlock. Nice little town. We go through it every time we visit my grandparents in St.Paul. So where is the fish store in Westlock now?

  9. Wow, what they can do with plants! They need to make the best in show/first place into an aquarium background for all the non aquarium green thumbs. The photo looks like a painting. I am so far away from something like that. Most of my plants are very beginner-java moss/fern, pennywort, chain sword and a few others nothing requiring CO2. So I will bow to the masters of the aquascape. :bow:

  10. Yikes that is terrible. One possibility is some kind of fume-paint,perfume or insecticide, or new ornaments? How are the other fish doing? Do you feed the same thing to all your tanks-maybe it was spoiled. We all hate fish mysteries related to deaths-only good fish mysteries are when you don't know what fish you have or find eggs or fry when they are unexpected. Sorry for your loss. Hope someone can help.

  11. I have a metal stand that would only support the edges of the tank if I was to put the tank on it. I was wondering if this is safe or should I put some kind of board on the bottom to support the weight of the substrate? Any thoughts would be welcome. Thanks.

  12. I have a 20 gallon long tank, that is ready to be set up. I have never had a 20 this long before, my other 2 I own are the normal sized ones. I am upgrading from many 10 gallons so I have a few extra 50watt heaters. My other 15 and 20 have 100 watt heaters. So now I am wondering if I should put one 100 watt heater in the 20 long or 2 50 watt heaters or should it be 2 100 watt heaters? Any ideas would be helpful. :bow: The tank is to house my bronze and peppered cories and my new albino bristlenose and maybe some guppies? :wub: :thumbs:

  13. I bought a tank that has blue silicone. Most likely was a hospital tank at one time or another. I was just wondering if this blue silicone will affect the water, and fish that are going to reside there? Will it leach anything? I don't mind the blue so it won't be a problem. Any info welcomed.

  14. I had been dealing with many, many problems with these 6 juvies rams. I have never had these fish before and now I am not so sure I ever want to deal with them again. I love the look of them but the problems. They looked healthy at the auction but once home downhill from there. They seem to get shimmies(may have got a chill), then the scratching on objects-ich treated-no response, then tried anti-parasite-no response,the last two had fin rot- all have died within the two weeks since the auction. So RIP little fish- I had so much hope for you when I saw you. Now to tell my brother my Xmas present didn't make it to Christmas. Bummer. :cry: :boxed: :(:angry:

  15. I opened my canister filter to check and clean it and was shocked to find 12 guppy fry -ranging from newborn to over 2cm. Was surprised that they were not garbled by the uptake pump? I assume that the older fry came into the filter as babies and just grew up in the filter medium. As the tank is fairly planted with pennywort, java moss, anubias nana, some frilly plant plus others there is always something that filter is sucking up and I tend to over feed a little . So they survived yippy.

  16. :welcome: to the group. Many knowledgeable people on here. Salt water is not something I have experience with, but I am sure there are many people here that are. One of our sponsors was part of Fragfest in Edmonton not to long ago. So welcome.

  17. :welcome: I to am from Grande Prairie. Wonderful city-but not much for fish supplies. I tend to go to Edmonton for fish and send away to TNT aquatica for plants. What kinds of fish are you keeping or wanting to keep? If you want some guppies just let me know. They breed like rabbits.

  18. Congrats on the fry. I know the buggy eyed feeling. My corydora weitzmani have bred and the fry are striped light cream and black and the rock is round and natural colored. Didn't see the fry until it was 1cm long. My guppies breed all the time so I thought it was a guppy fry on the bottom looking for food-nope it was a baby corydora and I was so shocked and surprised. Everyone likes fry-so good luck. :thumbs: :thumbs:

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