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Posts posted by Jo3l

  1. Nice thanks j vision! This is still very weird. I'm 99% sure they must be assassin's.  the only this that had me wondering is reading about assassin's and how they usually lay very few eggs and some how I have close to 30 of these little guys all around the same size. Again I haven't had any snails In this tank for a year and a half at least the next all of a sudden I start to see these tiny almost air bubbles looking things. 

    Not a bad thing as I have other tanks over run with Ramsey horn.

  2. Broken tank is worthless unless you find someone who keeps reptiles, then you can get money for it maybe.

    Filters are worth maybe 50 each

    Good tanks generally go for a buck or two a gallon, unless they have some special gimmick like thicker glass, bow front or rimless.

    Lights and canopy can vary greatly. But if they are just standard then tack another 40 50 bones on for them.

    Obviously it would be smart to just look in the classified section and come to a conclusion yourself based on what other people are selling.

    But don't base your price on what you paid new, pet peeve of mine is buying used stuff and people having way to high of a evaluated price based on the fact they spent 1200$ on a 40 gal from some rip off store.

    Do the 5 min of research and see what other people are selling the same stuff for.

  3. has anyone ever had amino, ghost, or cherry shrimp survive living in a cannister filter?

    I have been thinking of adding cherry shrimp to my fluval, it's a 405 so the compartments are quite large. I would think the shrimp would thrive on particles trapped in my bio media and filter floss. The sections all snap together so I feel like they will be protected from the impeller.

    I will post my results in a couple weeks. I haven't been able to find any info on the matter online (as far as having an colony living in a cannister filter)


  4. In previous tanks I have had with more aggressive species, cray fish did a nice job. The crays seem to be able to defend themselves as well they eat any scraps/algae they can get their claws on. However it can be hard to find the balance between fish big enough to eat the Cray, or vice versa.

  5. The piranha is an S. Maculatus, he is wild caught and about 4" not including his tail. The tank he is In is too large for him IMHO. Being a territorial type of fish he isn't very active outside of his area. Looking for something to take up the other 3/4 of the tank, as well as not let the scraps from the food my piranha eats (very messy eaters) go to waste.

    In my past experiance smaller and more aggressive tetras have a good shot too.

    Basically I'm asking if anyone has had experiance with tougher bite sized fish that lasted in a well fed predators tanks for longer than expected.

  6. I am looking for some reasonably priced smaller fish that I could introduce to my tank for "custodial" as well as visual aid.

    I have had for the past year a 55 gallon tank with a solo juvinile piranha. His exact species is kinda up I n air at this point over the recient confusion over the s. Spilo and s. Maculatus variants.

    Now as much as I'm not intending on the death of the new fish I am introducing, i do expect the odd one to go missing and minimizing this is my top priority.

    If anyone has any tips in my search it would be greatly appreciated!! I have had success with cray fish in the past as well as larger Congo tetras

  7. yes planted but not by anything that is rooted, what i ended up doing was just going over to the apartment complex a block from my house and like most they had a big wood box filled with a rough looking gravel for traction on the sidewalks, mainly dark grey to black in color, some lighter little rocks, all around the size of a pea or bb lol. only thing that was a bit of work was the fact that it had alot of salt on it but after a few hot baths it was good to go, and now i have about 2/3 target sand, and 1/3 this rock and i got a good look goin on, tanks been established for welll over 3 1/2 months and no deaths with fish or plants.


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